How to change the bootstrap caret pointing direction on click event


Solution 1

you can add this

.nav .caret{
    border-top: none;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #000000;

Updated Fiddle

Solution 2

Just add this CSS:

   .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus .caret{
        transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; /*for smoothness*/

Solution 3

Updated Fiddle

Added the following CSS

.navbar .nav>.dropdown-toggle .caret {
    border-top-color: transparent;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #000000;
    position: relative;
    top: -3px;

Solution 4

In css..
When .caret is a Class of arrows in a li or span.

.nav-list .caret {

    transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; 

.nav-list .active .caret {

    transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;


100% Fun!.
Credits to Tariq Javed.

Author by


Updated on February 13, 2020


  • chalo
    chalo over 4 years

    I'm using 2.3.2 bootstrap

    As I can change the position of the caret icon when I click the menu button.

    I need that when I click the icon caret pointing up and when you click on another item the caret back to the initial state.

    How is this possible?

    The nav code

    <div id="navi">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="navbar">
              <div class="navbar-inner">
                <div class="row">
                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse">
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                  <div class="span2">
                    <a class="brand" href="#"></a>
                  <div class="span10">
                    <div class="nav-collapse collapse">
                      <div class="row">
                        <div class="span8">
                          <ul class="nav">
                            <li class="dropdown">
                              <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Lorem 3 opes<b class="caret"></b></i></a>
                              <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                                <li><a href="#">Lorem</a></li>
                                <li><a href="institucional.html">Olosmpa</a></li>
                                <li><a href="#">Lorem 2 isum</a></li>
                            <li class="dropdown">
                              <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Lorem mas<b class="caret"></b></a>
                              <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                                <li><a href="#">Lorem</a></li>
                                <li><a href="institucional.html">Olosmpa</a></li>
                                <li><a href="#">Lorem 2 isum</a></li>
                        </div><!-- /span8 -->
                        <div class="span2">
                            <form id="buscar-fixed" class="navbar-form form-search">
                              <div class="input-append">
                                <input class="inputBusqueda span2" type="text" placeholder="Buscar..." />
                                <button class="btn" type="button"><i class="icon-search icon-white"></i></button>
                        </div><!-- /span2 -->
                      </div><!-- /row -->
                    </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
                  </div><!-- /span10 -->
                </div><!-- /row -->
              </div><!-- /nav-inner -->
            </div><!-- /navbar -->
        </div><!-- /container -->
      </div><!-- fin #nav-sup -->

    Link to fiddle to try to resolve

    Image example of the problem

  • chalo
    chalo almost 10 years
    Thanks, works great... is a simple solution.. the others works to.. But this is the simplest and clean.