How to change the language of Windows Automatic Repair interface?


Solution 1

From an admin prompt run "bcdedit". You should see something like this: BCDedit output example

To change language enter:

  • bcdedit /set {current} locale en-US
  • bcdedit /set {bootmgr} locale en-US

This should switch UI language to English also for recovery... For other languages, e.g. Italian you can use "... locale it-IT" etc.

Solution 2

On Windows 10 20H2, none of the answers helped me to change the recovery mode language. Here is what helped me to change the recovery mode language (and some system messages during boots and reboots) without editing images and making any manual manipulations with installation media:

  1. Set all available system languages to the language of your choice (English in my case). This step may be excessive, but that's what I did: in bcdedit, in user settings, in the administrative language settings.

  2. Run RegEdit end go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language key where change the InstallLanguage key value to the language id you want to be set in the recovery:

regedit installlanguage

Refer to the list of language codes (or here) and enter the hex value of your choice (0409 for en-US).

  1. Reboot your PC.

  2. Download the official MediaCreationTool and run it. Choose the Upgrade this PC option:

mediacreationtool upgrade

That's it! Follow the linear progress to upgrade your Windows. In the end, I've got the English language everywhere including the recovery mode and the most recent Windows version with all programs and settings kept.


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EKONS: PRONOUNS I'm lenient. You can call me a he, a they, or anything even remotely gender-neutral (I'm a cis male). Don't worry, I'll refer to you by a pronoun you accept.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • EKons
    EKons almost 2 years

    I have changed my windows language from Greek to English, but the Automatic Repair language is still Greek, and I want to change it to English.

    Automatic Repair

    (image not mine)

    Yeah, this is the screen in Greek, and I want to change it to Enghish.

    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      This is handled by a different interface option.. Best way to solve this problem, outside of making sure all regional choices are correct, is remove the Greet language pack all together.
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound This is not what I was looking for. The boot screen is still in greek (thx for linking though).
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      Have you removed the Greek Language pack? If you cannot access Windows, its to late to change the language interface of WinRE, I suspect even if you can access it would require you to replace the recovery partition in its entireity.
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound I can access Windows. Do you mean I need to remove Greek language pack, reboot and then add it again?
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound I will roll-back your edit, 'cause I actually wanted that note under the picture.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      I am suggesting you remove it. As I said I suspect you would need to format the recovery partition and create it again to actually sovle the problem. The reason you have a Greek WinRE installed is becaused you installed a Greek version of Windows 10, doesn't make sense, to offer multiple language, to a recovery environment.
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      I inlined the screenshot for you, because the image currently is broken, in other words the image does not display. I won't fix it again.
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound It displayed fine as is for me.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      Well...It doesn't work for me. I fixed it for you, and kept your comment, even though it isn't required
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound I can see in the Markdown code for this question that you have done something like [![description][n]][n] and later [n]: url. I'm amazed padding works for you. What system are you using?
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      That is how you inline the screenshot and make it clickable......There is nothing special about it.
    • EKons
      EKons about 8 years
      @Ramhound You have double-inlined it...
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
      I originally did that, I corrected that mistakem, in less then 5 seconds 35 minutes ago.
  • EKons
    EKons about 8 years
    What do you mean with "WinPE language packs"?
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound about 8 years
    I suspect the author actually is trying to suggest you change the language pack of your WinRE installation, that is located in your recovery partition, instead of WinPE
  • EKons
    EKons about 8 years
    @Ramhound I don't have a separate recovery partition.
  • EKons
    EKons about 8 years
    I could have downvoted, but I haven't got enough reputation yet.
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound about 8 years
    So how did you boot into the Automatic Repair screenshot, which is in Greek, but illustrated in your screenshot? The environement, Automatic Repair resides in, is WinRE which is typically located on its own partition. Edit your question to provide more specific details. The information in the link articles, explains percisely, how to achieve your goals. Once you create the image itself, you would just replace the image your actually using, by using the DISM tool.
  • EKons
    EKons almost 8 years
    @Ramhound Okay, reviving this post (since I still have the problem), I think what you mean by recovery partition is in fact the 'System' partition?
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound almost 8 years
    No; that's not what I mean. WinRE isn't contain on the system partition, its contained on the same disk normally. I don't answer questions in comments, to answers, endless cycle.
  • EKons
    EKons over 6 years
    Sorry it took me almost a year to realize this answer was posted, but for me it didn't work (Windows 10 now).
  • hexaae
    hexaae about 5 years
    @EKons it should work. It always worked. Please can you check with the cmd "bcdedit" from admin prompt, if both "locale" entries have the desired locale code correctly set?
  • EKons
    EKons about 5 years
    Hm, looks like it did work now, the settings have been preserved after a reboot.
  • Alexander  Pravdin
    Alexander Pravdin about 3 years
    This didn't work on my 20H2 Windows version. The recovery environment uses the original Windows language no matter what language settings are set in the system and int the bcdedit.
  • Community
    Community over 2 years
    As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
  • DarkDiamond
    DarkDiamond over 2 years
    Please don't add "thank you" as an answer. Once you have sufficient reputation, you will be able to vote up questions and answers that you found helpful. - From Review