How to check if a directory is under svn version control?


Solution 1

Store the return code from the svn command in a variable and test that-:

pushd $PWD
svn info
if [ $ERR -ne 0 ];then
    echo "Directory ${WD} not under version control"

Solution 2

Subversion uses a hidden directory called .svn (just like .git for Git).

First, a directory not under SVN control:

riemann$ if [ ! -d ".svn" ]; then echo "Directory not under version control"; fi;
Directory not under version control

Next, a directory which is under SVN control (Crypto++ use SVN):

riemann::cryptopp$ if [ ! -d ".svn" ]; then echo "Directory not under version control"; fi;


riemann::cryptopp$ ls -al .*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jwalton  staff  6148 Jul 20 06:46 .DS_Store

total 440904
drwx------  462 jwalton  staff     15708 Aug 10 16:00 .
drwx------   59 jwalton  staff      2006 Aug 10 15:50 ..
drwx------    7 jwalton  staff       238 Jul 17 07:41 .svn

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Alex
    Alex almost 2 years

    From a linux bash script, how can I verify if some directory is under svn version control? I am using svn version 1.7.9.

    When I try the following

    pushd ${WD}; svn info; popd

    and check the error code I always get a zero, because popd succeeded, even if svn info returned an error. How to perform a check on a directory in the following way?

    if [ ... ]; then
        echo "Directory ${WD} not under version control"
  • Alex
    Alex almost 10 years
    I have updated the question as your suggestion does not work; I do not have a .svn directory. Maybe its depending on the version?
  • Ben
    Ben almost 10 years
    Subdirectories in SVN 1.6.x and earlier all had a .svn and could be used like a full working copy on their own. In 1.7 and higher, only the working copy root has such a directory.