How to check if Gradle dependency has new version?


Solution 1

This is now built-in to Android Studio as a Lint check. You can enable it here:

Settings > Editor > Inspections > "Newer Library Versions Available"

The description for this inspection:

Newer Library Versions Available

This detector checks with a central repository to see if there are newer versions available for the dependencies used by this project. This is similar to the GradleDependency check, which checks for newer versions available in the Android SDK tools and libraries, but this works with any MavenCentral dependency, and connects to the library every time, which makes it more flexible but also much slower.

Because of the slowdown this can introduce I'd recommend running it manually periodically, rather than having it always on. You can do this by:

Analyze > "Run Inspection By Name"

Then search for "Newer Library Versions Available", and run it on your module.

Edit: The above should just work as of Android Studio 2.3. If you're on an old version (you should update) the following may help:

Note that it appears you must have the inspection enabled in order to run it manually - so (as of Android Studio 2.0 Beta 2) you need to find the inspection in settings, enable it, then run it by name, then disable it again (to regain previous performance).

Solution 2

UPDATE (05/23/18):

The newer version of Android Studio does not show version updates in the Project Structure dialog. Instead, Adam-s answer is the correct one for Android Studio 3+

Analyze > "Run Inspection By Name"

Then search for "Newer Library Versions Available"


As of Android Studio 2.2, a new Project Structure dialog shows the list of dependencies your app is using with the available updates from local AND remote repositories as well.

  • Activate it by going to Android Studio > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Gradle > Experimental and check the Use new Project Structure dialog (Thanks @jessehensold)
  • Then open it by going to File > Project Structure > Messages

enter image description here

For older version of Android Studio, see other responses below.

Solution 3

Aside from the Android Studio's built-in feature, there's nice gradle plugin called Gradle Versions Plugin that does exactly what you want, with the benefit of being plain gradle extension, which means being NOT bond to any IDE - just pure Gradle thing.

Gradle Versions Plugin can create reports in human readable plain text form, but can also dump it as JSON or XML which is pretty useful for automated/scripted processing.

Usage is pretty simple. Once added to your gradle file, you just do:

$ ./gradlew dependencyUpdates

and it should produce project dependency report that looks like this:

: Project Dependency Updates (report to plain text file)

The following dependencies are using the latest milestone version:
 - com.github.maksim88:PasswordEditText:v0.9
 - com.marcinorlowski:webnet-log:1.0.3
 - com.nulab-inc:zxcvbn:1.2.2

The following dependencies exceed the version found at the milestone revision level:
 - com.hannesdorfmann.fragmentargs:annotation [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT <- 3.0.2]
 - com.hannesdorfmann.fragmentargs:bundler-parceler [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT <- 3.0.2]
 - com.github.bumptech.glide:glide [3.7.0 <- 3.6.1]
 - com.hannesdorfmann.fragmentargs:processor [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT <- 3.0.2]

The following dependencies have later milestone versions:
 - com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart [v2.2.5 -> v3.0.1]
 - [25.1.0 -> 25.1.1]
 - com.jakewharton:butterknife [8.4.0 -> 8.5.1]

Generated report file build/dependencyUpdates\report.txt

See docs for extensive usage examples.

Solution 4

See File > Project Structure, then click "Suggestions". I know, this solution was suggested by Hemant Sharma and Jeremías Gersicich, but Android Studio has changed it in 3.4.1 version.

enter image description here

It will help in most cases, but sometimes libraries change their ids (paths). So you should sometimes visit their sites and see why these libraries didn't update so long. Then update manually.

Solution 5


The tool I present below doesn't work on new versions of Android Studio / Gradle and its author no longer maintains it (as of 30/10/2016). Therefore, the solution presented in the accepted answer should be used unless working with old version of Android Studio.

As of January 2016, there's a plugin for Android Studio that does something similar, called Dependencies Version Checker, and whose sources can be found on GitHub.

It can be added through the built-in interface (Settings > Plugins > Browse repositories...) :

What it looks like inside the native interface

After installation and restart, the following tab appears in the UI:

New UI tab which appears after restart.

The relevant build.gradle should then be pasted into the left side of the VersionChecker panel, and the Version Check button pressed. The result is a table that appears on the right side, which includes the latest versions of the libraries used in the pasted script (as shown in the image above).


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Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • osrl
    osrl almost 2 years

    In Android Studio when I use a + in the version number like:
    I get a "Avoid using + in version numbers" warning.

    But when I use a specific version number I can't always use the latest version. I have a lot of dependencies in my project.

    How do I check if a dependency has a newer version?

    Is there an Android Studio plugin (or something like that) to notify me when there is a newer version of a dependency?

    Android Studio highlights the outdated Android Support Libraries and Google play services. But this is not available for other custom libraries.

    Android Studio highlights

    • Suragch
      Suragch over 6 years
      For developers who are updating the library see: How to update library for new version in Bintray?
    • Suragch
      Suragch over 6 years
      In at least Android 3.0, updates for custom libraries now show the same notification as you have in your question image for the support library.
    • Rémy
      Rémy about 6 years
      @Suragch this doesn't work for some dependencies for me in android studio 3.0.1
    • Aliaksei
      Aliaksei about 6 years
      We can use for checking new library version
  • osrl
    osrl about 9 years
    About the edit; it was about android-studio, because i was looking for an Android Studio plugin. Thanks for the answer but I've already seen it.
  • Quanturium
    Quanturium about 9 years
    After some more research the above solution seems to be your best bet. It is easy to install and run.
  • osrl
    osrl over 8 years
    only for support libraries?
  • Jintin
    Jintin over 8 years
    @osrl if you add --remote or -r it will parse the version on jcenter.
  • osrl
    osrl over 8 years
    Even if this is what I was looking in the first place, it doesn't work as expected. I've opened an issue in the Github repo about it.
  • gdelente
    gdelente over 8 years
    You could also manually trigger the check by doing Analyze -> Run Inspection By Name -> Newer Library Versions Available. No need to install a plugin and it will work for all the dependencies.
  • osrl
    osrl about 8 years
    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but that didn't work for me
  • Adam S
    Adam S about 8 years
    I had to run it on either my app module or the whole project - running it on the build.gradle file didn't work. Make sure it's enabled in Settings before you run it, too - and I've just noticed that it missed some things (it found Dagger, RxJava as being outdated, but missed Realm, Retrofit).
  • osrl
    osrl about 8 years
    Yes same for me, realm is not on MavenCentral. Is your retrofit version defined like this? Mine is, and it couldn't find it either def okhttpVersion = '2.7.2' compile "com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:$okhttpVersion"
  • Adam S
    Adam S about 8 years
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0' - the latest release is 2.0.0-beta4 though, so I'm wondering if it ignores beta versions.
  • osrl
    osrl about 8 years
    with defined version string was unable to find. It was able to find com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.7.2. Also on 2.0.0-beta4
  • Ben Manes
    Ben Manes about 8 years
    This sounds very poorly implemented by not using Gradle's dependency management properly (no http proxying, no alt repositories, no resolution strategies). Is there a reason why they reinvented the wheel instead of building on top of Gradle's apis?
  • Juozas Kontvainis
    Juozas Kontvainis about 8 years
    @gdelente as of 2016-02-18 Newer Library Versions Available lint check does not find updates for all dependencies. E.g. compile 'me.henrytao:smooth-app-bar-layout:1.0.3' gives no warning. The solution provided in above answer finds the update for this dependency.
  • Greg Ennis
    Greg Ennis about 8 years
    I tried this and got a generic error/failure message balloon when I clicked "check versions"
  • Dev-iL
    Dev-iL about 8 years
    @GregEnnis There's a problem with the latest version of the plugin. Either use an older one or wait for an update...
  • Gonzalo
    Gonzalo over 7 years
    This is not present in Android Studio anymore (using beta 2).
  • Forrest Bice
    Forrest Bice over 7 years
    I can't seem to find this in Android Studio 2.2 (Beta 3) similar to @gonzalo. Do you know if they removed it or simply moved it somewhere else in Android Studio?
  • jessehensold
    jessehensold over 7 years
    I had to go into Preferences>Build, Execution, Deployment>Gradle>Experimental and check the 'Use new Project Structure dialog'
  • Bitcoin Cash - ADA enthusiast
    Bitcoin Cash - ADA enthusiast over 7 years
    This shows the available updates in a "Inspection" tab, but it does not highlight it as a warning in build.gradle. I am yet to find a solution that does that.
  • TWiStErRob
    TWiStErRob about 7 years
    Awesome! Got here looking for this for a normal Java project. A nice general solution without Lint's Android specificity.
  • Mateusz Kaflowski
    Mateusz Kaflowski almost 7 years
    Have to go to "Dependencies" tab to make "apply" button enabled. Some bug?
  • Ray Li
    Ray Li almost 7 years
    This answer can be updated to remove the last paragraph about enabling inspection first. Running the inspection manually without enabling in settings first worked for me on Android 2.3.3.
  • Ray Li
    Ray Li almost 7 years
    Had to come back to this answer to report that it ONLY works for MavenCentral dependencies. This means repositories from Jitpack or other sources are NOT automatically updated. The correct method for getting the latest version of ALL dependencies is at this answer [… (here)
  • jakub.g
    jakub.g over 6 years
    I tried this with Android Studio 2.3 but the Dependencies tab of Project Structure dialog doesn't find any dependencies of my project.
  • 林果皞
    林果皞 over 6 years
    I received error Configuration 'compile' in project ':myapp' is deprecated. Use 'implementation' instead. The CompileOptions.bootClasspath property has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0. Please use the CompileOptions.bootstrapClasspath property instead. when ran this.
  • Marcin Orlowski
    Marcin Orlowski over 6 years
  • m0skit0
    m0skit0 over 6 years
    Only works for Google libraries and doesn't work with variable-defined version i.e. "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version" in Android Studio 3.0.1
  • Martin Revert
    Martin Revert about 6 years
    The dialog dissappeared in 3.2 canary :(
  • Márcio Oliveira
    Márcio Oliveira about 6 years
    This is not present at new Android Studio 3.1 release :-(
  • justdan0227
    justdan0227 about 6 years
    Where in the heck is Settings > Editor > Inspections > "Newer Library Versions Available". I don't see a Settings in the Mac Toolbar of AS 3.x?
  • Sky Kelsey
    Sky Kelsey almost 6 years
    This no longer works. Please delete or update your answer. The answer below from Adam S works.
  • amit srivastava
    amit srivastava almost 6 years
    The answer seems obsolete now, instead of "Newer Library Versions Available" we can run "Obsolete Gradle Dependency" inspection.
  • norbDEV
    norbDEV almost 6 years
    The "Newer Library Versions Available" method didn't work, but this is perfect! (I use multiple gradle files with variables for lib versions)
  • Dr.jacky
    Dr.jacky over 5 years
    @Quanturium It doesn't work if you write your libraries like this for example: implementation "${daggerVersion}"
  • Apperside
    Apperside over 5 years
    It seem it does not report updates for android support repository, I intentionally downgraded it, and I didn't found the library in the report, any idea why?
  • Apperside
    Apperside over 5 years
    @amitsrivastava I tried to use your solution, and it didn't found the updates found when I ran the inspection "Newer Library Versions Available", but it did found outdated android libraries, which wasn't found by the previous inspection
  • Dr.jacky
    Dr.jacky over 5 years
    As @osrl told, It doesn't work with something like this: rxJavaVersion = '2.2.2' and then rxJava:"io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:$rxJavaVersion" @AdamS. Do you have any solution for that? Thanks.
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind about 5 years
    Thanks, but this list also contains libraries I don't use and sometimes doesn't contain what I use. Also Gson is while actually it is
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind about 5 years
    Can you add a picture of that plugin? I haven't found it in a list.
  • Hemant Sharma
    Hemant Sharma about 5 years
    sometimes dependencies work with compatible gradle version, Please check if you are using updated gradle in your Project level gradle
  • denizs
    denizs about 5 years
    this feature at stable channel with Android Studio 3.4
  • Marcin Orlowski
    Marcin Orlowski almost 5 years
    This is gradle plugin, not IDE's. You need to add it by hand to gradle file as documented on plugin page.
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind almost 5 years
    I also found this way. Strange that somebody marked minus.
  • Martin
    Martin over 4 years
    But you need a compiling system. What if you want to find out initially which is the current version of a library.
  • Marcin Orlowski
    Marcin Orlowski over 4 years
    Then you install "compiling system" first.
  • Nicola Beghin
    Nicola Beghin over 4 years
    anyone else getting this screen just empty on android studio 3.5?
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind over 4 years
    @NicolaBeghin, I have just checked on empty project and got 4 suggestions. Yes, there was a term, when it didn't show suggestions, in July, but they fixed this bug. I suppose, it is Google server problem, it may happen sometimes.
  • Vlad
    Vlad about 4 years
    Doesn't support Gradle KTS
  • Balflear
    Balflear almost 4 years
    @AdamS Strange case i have guys. I'm using Android Studio 3.6.3, and i have opened two projects, on one of them the dependencies versions are highlited in gradle, for the other project they are not. Note: Some of the versions are implemented using ext viriables some of them are just hardcoded string and still no difference at all For the both projects i'm using same gradle versions. I really can't find out what is the problem.
  • Artur Latoszewski
    Artur Latoszewski over 3 years
    I would vote for this as the best approach for the long term projects. Because this is a Gradle task you can add this simple as one of your build steps. This will allow you to have a semi-automatic flow of updates. Fully automated is impossible IMHO, but there are tools that try to does it. I wrote about it more here:…
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz almost 3 years
    Thank you @CoolMind! Any idea why this might not show directly in the build.gradle file for Android Studio 4.2.1? Previously, these suggestions showed through Lint with the setting enabled, i.e. Settings > Editor > Inspections > Newer Library Versions Available.
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind almost 3 years
    @AdamHurwitz, thank you for your comment! You are right, I have just checked, this window infinitely loads and doesn't show updates. I will test later.
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz almost 3 years
    Awesome @CoolMind, I've created a new post, Android Studio Not Showing Suggested Gradle Dependency Updates With Lint in order to resolve this.
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind almost 3 years
    In my case in Android Studio 4.2.1 Suggestions show updates for app module, not <All modules>.
  • osrl
    osrl over 2 years
    I think this doesn't work anymore. I'm using Android Studio Bumblebee and I get No suspicious code found message.
  • Jemshit Iskenderov
    Jemshit Iskenderov over 2 years
    This plugin does not show updates for all dependencies o.O (e.g. exoplayer..)