How to clear complete cache in Varnish?


Solution 1

With Varnish 4.0 I ended up implementing it with the ban command:

sub vcl_recv {
    # ...

    # Command to clear complete cache for all URLs and all sub-domains
    # curl -X XCGFULLBAN
    if (req.method == "XCGFULLBAN") {
        ban(" ~ .*");
        return (synth(200, "Full cache cleared"));

    # ...

Solution 2

Well, I suggest just restart varnish. It will purge all of the files because varnish keeps cache into memory.

Run: sudo /etc/init.d/varnish restart

Solution 3

Assuming no change of URL or internal cache key, for a full flush the simplest approach would be to restart Varnish, as it maintains its cache in memory.

If doing a quick restart is not acceptable, the BAN suggested by Rastislav is a great approach. It will need to stay active as long your longest TTL, so if you frequently need a full flush, the BAN list will be pretty much permanent as the ban lurker (which sweeps for BANs which no longer are relevant) may always think that your BAN is useful

So in your case, your VCL would be:

# Highly recommend that you set up an ACL for IPs that are allowed
# to make the BAN call
acl acl_ban {

sub vcl_recv {
   if (client.ip ~ acl_ban && req.method == "BAN") {
      ban(" == " +;
      # Throw a synthetic page so the request won't go to the backend.
      return(synth(200, "Ban added"));

However as noted by Carlos in the comments, this will actually create a lazy invalidation (and so only removed at request time). If you want to have the objects actually get purged by the background ban lurker every so often, you can instead do:

# Highly recommend that you set up an ACL for IPs that are allowed
# to make the BAN call
acl acl_ban {

sub vcl_recv {
   if (client.ip ~ acl_ban && req.method == "BAN") {
      # see below for why this is obj. rather than req.
      ban(" == " +;
      # Throw a synthetic page so the request won't go to the backend.
      return(synth(200, "Ban added"));

sub vcl_backend_response {
   # add any portions of the request that would want to be able
   # to BAN on. Doing it in vcl_backend_response means that it
   # will make it into the storage object
   set =;

sub vcl_deliver {
   # Unless you want the header to actually show in the response,
   # clear them here. So they will be part of the stored object
   # but otherwise invisible

Then to do the flush:

curl -X BAN;

Solution 4

Purge all Varnish cache from command line (invalidate all the cache):

varnishadm "ban.url ."  # Matches all URLs

Note: Command is purge.url in Varnish 2.x.

We can also ban by a hostname:

varnishadm "ban =="
Author by


Updated on May 18, 2020


  • laurent
    laurent about 4 years

    I'm looking for a way to clear the cache for all domains and all URLs in Varnish.

    Currently, I would need to issue individual commands for each URLs, for example:

    curl -X PURGE
    curl -X PURGE
    curl -X PURGE
    curl -X PURGE
    // etc.

    While I'm looking for a way to do something like

    curl -X PURGE*

    And that would clear all URLs under, but also all URLs in sub-domains of, basically all the URLs managed by Varnish.

    Any idea how to achieve this?

    This is my current VCL file:

    vcl 4.0;
    backend default {
        .host = "";
        .port = "8080";
    sub vcl_recv {
        # Command to clear the cache
        # curl -X PURGE
        if (req.method == "PURGE") {
            return (purge);
  • Carlos Abalde
    Carlos Abalde almost 8 years
    That's right, but beware that the ban you're creating in vcl_recv is not lurker friendly. It will be ignored by the ban lurker. That's not critical in some cases, but if your bans are going to match a lot of objects in the storage, you should avoid lazy invalidations and allow the ban lurker to purge objects. Creating lurker friendly bans requires a few more lines of VCL. Please check for details.
  • Joshua DeWald
    Joshua DeWald almost 8 years
    That's a great note! I'll modify the answer with that in mind.
  • Carlos Abalde
    Carlos Abalde about 6 years
    Not need to write VCL to submit a ban. In any case, the way to go should be creating a ban lurker friendly. See for details.
  • Spikes
    Spikes over 5 years
    While this works, it's not very efficient for caches with a large number of objects. I'd suggest future readers check out Joshua DeWald's answer below, which is lurker friendly and thereby a bit easier on Varnish to process.
    OZZIE almost 5 years
    how do I unban it after?
    OZZIE almost 5 years
    It doesn't seem possible in any easy way.. #upvoteregrets
  • TroodoN-Mike
    TroodoN-Mike over 4 years
    This will create downtime on the server. I would recommend to run varnishadm "ban req.url ~ /" instead
  • Hoargarth
    Hoargarth about 3 years
    Seems like in varnish5 they changed the command slightly. Managed to purge all varnish cache with varnishadm 'ban req.url ~ .'
  • benh57
    benh57 over 2 years
    Message from VCC-compiler: varnish-dev | '': cannot be unset in method 'vcl_deliver'. varnish-dev | At: ('/etc/varnish/conf.d/varnish.vcl' Line 195 Pos 10) varnish-dev | unset;
  • Joshua DeWald
    Joshua DeWald about 2 years
    @benh57 I suspect my answer is no longer a good one with newer versions of Varnish :/