How to combine two fields for the dataTextField of Kendo UI autocomplete?


Solution 1

You should use template:

for example:

template:"The name is : #= FirstName # #=LastName #"

Solution 2

Using templates is a valid solution. However, if you want to always have a composite or calculated field accessible on your model you can define a parse function in the schema definition.

schema: {
    data: "d",
    model: {
        id: "PersonId",
        fields: {
            PersonId: {
                type: "number",
                editable: false // this field is not editable
            FirstName: {
                type: "string",
                validation: { // validation rules
                    required: true // the field is required
            LastName: {
                type: "string",
                validation: { // validation rules
                    required: true // the field is required
            Name: {
                type: "string"
                // add any other requirements for your model here
    parse: function (response) {
        var values = response.d,
            n = values.length,
            i = 0,
        for (; i < n; i++) {
            value = values[i];
            value.Name = kendo.format("{0} {1}",

        return response;

The parse function pre-processes the server response before it is used, so you can modify existing fields or attach new ones. You can then reference the field(s) directly in any controls that use the Model.

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Naner
    Naner almost 2 years

    I want to combine two fields for the dataTextField property of the Kendo autocomplete.

    My datasouce has a FirstName field and a LastName field.

    schema: {
                data: "d",
                model: {
                    id: "PersonId",
                    fields: {
                        PersonId: {
                            type: "number",
                            editable: false // this field is not editable
                        FirstName: {
                            type: "text",
                            validation: { // validation rules
                                required: true // the field is required
                        LastName: {
                            type: "text",
                            validation: { // validation rules
                                required: true // the field is required

    Is there a way I can configure the autocomplete to display FirstName + LastName?

    Maybe I have to do something with the datasource instead, and if that is the case, can someone provide a simple example?

    Thank you!