How to config alertmanager which installed by helm on kubernetes?


The alerts and rules keys in the serverFiles group of the values.yaml file are mounted in the Prometheus container in the /etc/config folder. You can put in there the configuration you want (for example take inspiration by the blog post you linked) and it will be used by Prometheus to handle the alerts.

For example, a simple rule could be set like this:

  alerts: |
    ALERT cpu_threshold_exceeded   
    IF (100 * (1 - avg by(job)(irate(node_cpu{mode='idle'}[5m])))) > 80
    FOR 300s
    LABELS {
      severity = "warning",
      summary = "CPU usage > 80% for {{ $labels.job }}",
      description = "CPU usage avg for last 5m: {{ $value }}",
Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • online
    online almost 2 years

    Use Helm installed Prometheus and Grafana in a kubernetes cluster:

    helm install stable/prometheus
    helm install stable/grafana

    It has an alertmanage service.

    enter image description here

    But I saw a blog introduced how to setup alertmanager config with yaml files:

    Is it possible to use the current way(installed by helm) to set some alert rules and config for CPU, memory and send Email without create other yaml files?

    I saw a introduction for k8s configmap to alertmanager:

    But not clear how to use and how to do.


    I downloaded source code of stable/prometheus to see what it do. From the values.yaml file I found:

      alerts: ""
      rules: ""
      prometheus.yml: |-
          - /etc/config/rules
          - /etc/config/alerts
          - job_name: prometheus
              - targets:
                - localhost:9090

    So I think should write to this config file by myself to define alert rules and alertmanager here. But don't clear about this block:

          - /etc/config/rules
          - /etc/config/alerts

    Maybe it's meaning the path in the container. But there isn't any file now. Should add here:

      alert: ""
      rules: ""

    Edit 2

    After set alert rules and alertmanager configuration in values.yaml:

    ## Prometheus server ConfigMap entries
      alerts: ""
      rules: |-
        # CPU Alerts
        ALERT HighCPU
          IF ((sum(node_cpu{mode=~"user|nice|system|irq|softirq|steal|idle|iowait"}) by (instance, job)) - ( sum(node_cpu{mode=~"idle|iowait"}) by (instance,job) )   )   /  (sum(node_cpu{mode=~"user|nice|system|irq|softirq|steal|idle|iowait"}) by (instance, job)) * 100 > 95
          FOR 10m
          LABELS { service = "backend" }
          ANNOTATIONS {
            summary = "High CPU Usage",
            description = "This machine  has really high CPU usage for over 10m",
        # TEST
        ALERT APIHighRequestLatency
          IF api_http_request_latencies_second{quantile="0.5"} >1
          FOR 1m
          ANNOTATIONS {
            summary = "High request latency on {{$labels.instance }}",
            description = "{{ $labels.instance }} has amedian request latency above 1s (current value: {{ $value }}s)",

    Ran helm install prometheus/ to install it.

    Start port-forward for alertmanager component:

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=prometheus,component=alertmanager" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 9093

    Then access browser to, got these messages:

    Forwarding from -> 9093
    Handling connection for 9093
    Handling connection for 9093
    E0122 17:41:53.229084    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:54 socat[31237.140275133073152] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
    Handling connection for 9093
    E0122 17:41:53.243511    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:54 socat[31238.140565602109184] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
    E0122 17:41:53.246011    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:54 socat[31239.140184300869376] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
    Handling connection for 9093
    Handling connection for 9093
    E0122 17:41:53.846399    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:55 socat[31250.140004515874560] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
    E0122 17:41:53.847821    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:55 socat[31251.140355466835712] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
    Handling connection for 9093
    E0122 17:41:53.858521    7159 portforward.go:331] an error occurred forwarding 9093 -> 9093: error forwarding port 9093 to pod 6614ee96df545c266e5fff18023f8f7c87981f3340ee8913acf3d8da0e39e906, uid : exit status 1: 2018/01/22 08:37:55 socat[31252.140268300003072] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused


    When I check kubectl describe po illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c-qwmm6, got:

    Name:           illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c-qwmm6
    Namespace:      default
    Node:           minikube/
    Start Time:     Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:33:54 +0900
    Labels:         app=prometheus
    Status:         Running
    Created By:     ReplicaSet/illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c
    Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c
        Container ID:  docker://0808a3ecdf1fa94b36a1bf4b8f0d9d2933bc38afa8b25e09d0d86f036ac3165b
        Image:         prom/alertmanager:v0.9.1
        Image ID:      docker-pullable://prom/alertmanager@sha256:ed926b227327eecfa61a9703702c9b16fc7fe95b69e22baa656d93cfbe098320
        Port:          9093/TCP
        State:          Waiting
          Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
        Last State:     Terminated
          Reason:       Error
          Exit Code:    1
          Started:      Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:55:24 +0900
          Finished:     Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:55:24 +0900
        Ready:          False
        Restart Count:  9
        Readiness:      http-get http://:9093/%23/status delay=30s timeout=30s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
        Environment:    <none>
          /data from storage-volume (rw)
          /etc/config from config-volume (rw)
          /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-h5b8l (ro)
        Container ID:  docker://b4a349bf7be4ea78abe6899ad0173147f0d3f6ff1005bc513b2c0ac726385f0b
        Image:         jimmidyson/configmap-reload:v0.1
        Image ID:      docker-pullable://jimmidyson/configmap-reload@sha256:2d40c2eaa6f435b2511d0cfc5f6c0a681eeb2eaa455a5d5ac25f88ce5139986e
        Port:          <none>
        State:          Running
          Started:      Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:33:56 +0900
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
        Environment:    <none>
          /etc/config from config-volume (ro)
          /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-h5b8l (ro)
      Type           Status
      Initialized    True 
      Ready          False 
      PodScheduled   True 
        Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
        Name:      illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager
        Optional:  false
        Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
        ClaimName:  illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager
        ReadOnly:   false
        Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
        SecretName:  default-token-h5b8l
        Optional:    false
    QoS Class:       BestEffort
    Node-Selectors:  <none>
    Tolerations:     <none>
      Type     Reason                 Age                 From               Message
      ----     ------                 ----                ----               -------
      Warning  FailedScheduling       29m (x2 over 29m)   default-scheduler  PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound: "illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager"
      Normal   Scheduled              29m                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c-qwmm6 to minikube
      Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  29m                 kubelet, minikube  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "config-volume"
      Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  29m                 kubelet, minikube  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "pvc-fa84b197-ff4e-11e7-a584-0800270fb7fc"
      Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  29m                 kubelet, minikube  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-h5b8l"
      Normal   Started                29m                 kubelet, minikube  Started container
      Normal   Created                29m                 kubelet, minikube  Created container
      Normal   Pulled                 29m                 kubelet, minikube  Container image "jimmidyson/configmap-reload:v0.1" already present on machine
      Normal   Started                29m (x3 over 29m)   kubelet, minikube  Started container
      Normal   Created                29m (x4 over 29m)   kubelet, minikube  Created container
      Normal   Pulled                 29m (x4 over 29m)   kubelet, minikube  Container image "prom/alertmanager:v0.9.1" already present on machine
      Warning  BackOff                9m (x91 over 29m)   kubelet, minikube  Back-off restarting failed container
      Warning  FailedSync             4m (x113 over 29m)  kubelet, minikube  Error syncing pod

    Edit 3

    alertmanager config in values.yaml file:

    ## alertmanager ConfigMap entries
      alertmanager.yml: |-
          resolve_timeout: 5m
          smtp_from: [email protected]
          smtp_auth_username: [email protected]
          smtp_auth_password: sender_password
          - name: default-receiver
          - to: [email protected]
          group_wait: 10s
          group_interval: 5m
          receiver: default-receiver
          repeat_interval: 3h

    Not work. Got errors above.

      alertmanager.yml: |-
          # slack_api_url: ''
          - name: default-receiver
            # slack_configs:
            #  - channel: '@you'
            #    send_resolved: true
          group_wait: 10s
          group_interval: 5m
          receiver: default-receiver

    Works without any error.

    So, the problem was the email_configs config method.

  • online
    online over 6 years
    Thank you for your answer. That made sure the right way I thought. But, how to write rules context into the values.yaml file? That isn't yaml format.
  • whites11
    whites11 over 6 years
    Added an example
  • online
    online over 6 years
    Thank you very much. It works! Maybe this way is good: alerts: |-
  • online
    online over 6 years
    Hi, I have another problem, could you check my Edit 2 in the question?
  • whites11
    whites11 over 6 years
    Looks like your alertmanager pod is not healthy or you didn't use the correct name in the kubectl port-forward call. I tried it in my cluster and it works just fine. What does kubectl get po say?
  • online
    online over 6 years
    You are right. The problem was alertmanager container not healthy. I added result of this command kubectl describe po illocutionary-heron-prometheus-alertmanager-587d747b9c-qwmm6 to the above of the question.
  • whites11
    whites11 over 6 years
    I think it's failing for some reason, probably an invalid config. Check the logs
  • online
    online over 6 years
    The problem was alertmanager config about email_configs. I added Edit 3 to the question. That way was wrong.
  • whites11
    whites11 over 6 years
    You had an indentation problem. email_configs key should be at the same indentation level of the name key one line above it
  • online
    online over 6 years
    Yes! That's the reason! Now all the things went well. Thank you very much for you help until now. Have a good day!
  • whites11
    whites11 over 6 years
    Glad to have being helpful, have a nice day you too