How to configure Automapper to automatically ignore properties with ReadOnly attribute?


Solution 1

Write Extension Method as shown below:

public static class IgnoreReadOnlyExtensions
    public static IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> IgnoreReadOnly<TSource, TDestination>(
               this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> expression)
        var sourceType = typeof(TSource);

        foreach (var property in sourceType.GetProperties())
            PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sourceType)[property.Name];
            ReadOnlyAttribute attribute = (ReadOnlyAttribute) descriptor.Attributes[typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)];
            if(attribute.IsReadOnly == true)
                expression.ForMember(property.Name, opt => opt.Ignore());
        return expression;

To call extension method:

Mapper.CreateMap<ViewModel, DomainModel>().IgnoreReadOnly();

Solution 2

Now you could also use ForAllPropertyMaps to disable it globally:

configure.ForAllPropertyMaps(map =>
    map.SourceMember.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>().Any(x => x.IsReadOnly),
    (map, configuration) =>

Solution 3

If you wanted to only map properties that have a certain attribute, in my case the [DataMember] attribute, I wrote a method based on the excellent reply above to handle this for both the source and destination:

public static class ClaimMappingExtensions
    public static IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> IgnoreAllButMembersWithDataMemberAttribute<TSource, TDestination>(
               this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> expression)
        var sourceType = typeof(TSource);
        var destinationType = typeof(TDestination);

        foreach (var property in sourceType.GetProperties())
            var descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sourceType)[property.Name];
            var hasDataMemberAttribute = descriptor.Attributes.OfType<DataMemberAttribute>().Any();
            if (!hasDataMemberAttribute)
                expression.ForSourceMember(property.Name, opt => opt.Ignore());

        foreach (var property in destinationType.GetProperties())
            var descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(destinationType)[property.Name];
            var hasDataMemberAttribute = descriptor.Attributes.OfType<DataMemberAttribute>().Any();
            if (!hasDataMemberAttribute)
                expression.ForMember(property.Name, opt => opt.Ignore());

        return expression;

It will be called as the other method did:


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Updated on February 24, 2020


  • Deilan
    Deilan over 4 years


    Let's say I have the following "destination" class:

    public class Destination
        public String WritableProperty { get; set; }
        public String ReadOnlyProperty { get; set; }

    and a "source" class with the ReadOnly attribute on one of it's properties:

    public class Source
        public String WritableProperty { get; set; }
        public String ReadOnlyProperty { get; set; }

    It's obvious, but to be clear: I am going to map from Source class to Destination class in the following way:

    Mapper.Map(source, destination);


    What are the ways to configure Automapper to automatically ignore property with ReadOnly(true) attribute?


    I use Automapper's Profile classes for configuration. I don't want to dirty up classes with Automapper-specific attributes. I don't want to configure Automapper for every single read-only property and cause a lot of duplication by this way.

    Possible (but not suited) solutions:

    1) Add attribute IgnoreMap to the property:

        public String ReadOnlyProperty { get; set; }

    I don't want to dirty up classes with automapper-specific attributes and make it dependent from it. Also I don't want to add additional attribute along with ReadOnly attribute.

    2) Configure Automapper to ignore the property:

    CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
    .ForSourceMember(src => src.ReadOnlyProperty, opt => opt.Ignore())

    It is not a way because it forces me to do that for every single property everywhere and also causes a lot of duplication.

    • Andrew Whitaker
      Andrew Whitaker over 9 years
      So just to be clear, you want to ignore ReadOnly properties when they're the source properties?
    • Deilan
      Deilan over 9 years
      @AndrewWhitaker, exactly.
    • oblivignesh
      oblivignesh over 9 years
      Just a wild question - why do you have the property on the destination type if you don't want it mapped? Why not just not have the property on the destination type?
    • Deilan
      Deilan over 9 years
      @JimmyBogard, because the destination type is a domain model and the source type is a view model. As far as I have learned recently, mapping from a view model back to a domain model is not a good practice to use AutoMapper, right? :)
  • alhpe
    alhpe over 5 years
    really great.. but please check if is null.. ForAllPropertyMaps(m => m.SourceMember != null && m.SourceMember.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<ReadOnlyAttribut‌​e>().Any(), (m, c) => { c.Ignore(); });