How to configure keyboard shortcuts for special characters on OS X?


Solution 1

Create ~/Library/KeyBindings/ and save a property list like this as DefaultKeyBinding.dict:

    "~c" = (insertText:, "©");

Applying changes requires reopening applications. The custom keybindings don't work in all applications or views, but they do seem to work in Sublime Text 2.

For more information, see and

You could also make a custom keyboard layout with Ukelele or create a private.xml in KeyRemap4MacBook.

Solution 2

To type © on a Mac, it's Alt+g

To configure keyboard shortcuts for special characters on OS X:

System Preferences > Language & Text > Text > Symbol & Text substitution. Use the + on the bottom of the list to add the ones you want.

EDIT 08/19/12:

According to, you can make Text Substitution universal in Macs by executing the command in Terminal:

defaults write -g WebAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled -bool true

Solution 3

Another method is to trick your computer into auto-correcting some string of text to the symbol of your choice.

For example, typing theta changes to θ

To do this on Mavericks go to: System Preferences > Keyboard > Text


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Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • MaiaVictor
    MaiaVictor almost 2 years

    How to configure keyboard shortcuts for special character on OS X? For example, one would set ALT+C to ©.

  • superuser
    superuser almost 12 years
    I have made an edit to the answer, hope this helps.
  • MaiaVictor
    MaiaVictor almost 12 years
    Symbol & Text substitution is not working for my editor, sublime.
  • superuser
    superuser almost 12 years
    I'm not familiar with Sublime, but I found this article which might help in your case:
  • Admin
    Admin almost 12 years
    @superuser, that link contains some nice info. Please add the defaults write and Edit > Substitutions to your answer.
  • brevno
    brevno almost 12 years
    The defaults command does the same thing as the checkbox in the Language & Text preference pane.
  • boulder_ruby
    boulder_ruby over 10 years
    This answer is no longer timely for Mavericks. Your menu options listed here do not exist now
  • paulmelnikow
    paulmelnikow about 9 years
    In Mavericks, it's Keyboard > Text.
  • P A N
    P A N over 8 years
    @´ This gives me a syntax error when trying to source the file: DefaultKeyBinding.dict: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('