How to configure "search.max_open_scroll_context" in elasticsearch?


Solution 1

I was able to fix this issue by increasing the maximum number of scroll contexts:

curl -x "" -X PUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{
    "persistent" : {
        "search.max_open_scroll_context": 1024
    "transient": {
        "search.max_open_scroll_context": 1024

Solution 2

I have met the same problem, my solution is clear the scroll explicitly after every use

    ClearScrollRequest clearScrollRequest = new ClearScrollRequest();
    restHighLevelClient.clearScroll(clearScrollRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); 

Please see

and do not need to change the max_open_scroll_context

Author by


Updated on July 14, 2022


  • huangjs
    huangjs almost 2 years

    I an using scroll to get data in elasticsearch (version: 7.0.0). However, when I used it, the exception was thrown.

    • Request:
    GET /index-name/_search?scroll=1m
        "size": 100,
        "query": {
            "match_all" : {}
    • Response
      "error": {
        "root_cause": [
            "type": "exception",
            "reason": "Trying to create too many scroll contexts. Must be less than or equal to: [500]. This limit can be set by changing the [search.max_open_scroll_context] setting."
        "type": "search_phase_execution_exception",
        "reason": "all shards failed",
        "phase": "query",
        "grouped": true,
        "failed_shards": [
            "shard": 0,
            "index": "nr-v1",
            "node": "jVqXndodRtqsZ4Srh9eHSg",
            "reason": {
              "type": "exception",
              "reason": "Trying to create too many scroll contexts. Must be less than or equal to: [500]. This limit can be set by changing the [search.max_open_scroll_context] setting."
      "status": 500

    And I check the node status using GET /_nodes/stats/indices/search, the response:

      "_nodes": {
        "total": 3,
        "successful": 3,
        "failed": 0
      "cluster_name": "bprc",
      "nodes": {
        "AdT9tX_jRqiuRyNnYunRdg": {
          "timestamp": 1557036722528,
          "name": "es2",
          "transport_address": "",
          "host": "",
          "ip": "",
          "roles": [
          "attributes": {
            "ml.machine_memory": "16819453952",
            "ml.max_open_jobs": "20",
            "xpack.installed": "true"
          "indices": {
            "search": {
              "open_contexts": 502,
              "query_total": 3171,
              "query_time_in_millis": 2490,
              "query_current": 0,
              "fetch_total": 538,
              "fetch_time_in_millis": 951,
              "fetch_current": 0,
              "scroll_total": 2020,
              "scroll_time_in_millis": 1948250008,
              "scroll_current": 502,
              "suggest_total": 0,
              "suggest_time_in_millis": 0,
              "suggest_current": 0

    My question: 1. How to fix the problem about the exception that "Trying to create too many scroll contexts. Must be less than or equal to: [500]."

    1.           "scroll_total": 2020,
                "scroll_time_in_millis": 1948250008,
                "scroll_current": 502

    what is the function of the three attributes?

  • Vicky
    Vicky over 3 years
    I dint have permission to change the cluster settings, clearing the scroll context solved my problem, thank you for the answer.