How to convert an input parameter to integer value in a for loop in bash?


Solution 1

You can do this two ways:

With ksh93-compatible shells (ksh93, zsh, bash):

for (( i=1;i<=$2;i++ ))
 echo "Welcome $i times"

Here we set i to 1 and loop, incrementing it until it is less than or equal to $2, outputting:

Welcome 1 times
Welcome 2 times

With POSIX shells on GNU systems:

for i in $(seq "$2")
 echo "Welcome $i times"

The seq command (GNU specific) will output numbers from 1 to the number specified in $2 on separate lines. Assuming you've not modified $IFS (which by default contains the line delimiter character), the command substitution will split that into as many elements for for to loop on.

Solution 2

In Bash this construct that you're trying to use: {1..$(($2))} or {1..$2} is the brace expansion. The reason why it doesn't work for you is that in the order of shell expansions the brace expansion is the first one. So when this expansion takes place $2 is still only $2, not 5 as you'd like. The brace expansion doesn't work then. It simply produces 1..$2, and then when it's time to expand $2, the shell does so, and you're left with this one word:


The braces are still there because they have not been consumed by the brace expansion.

As for solutions, see Raman Sailopal's answer.


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Assa Yeroslaviz
Author by

Assa Yeroslaviz

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Assa Yeroslaviz
    Assa Yeroslaviz almost 2 years

    in my bash script I try to use a number as an input variable for a for loop I run the script as

    ./ InputFolder/ Number_of_iterations

    the script should work inside the given folder and run a for loop as many times as the Number_of_iterations variable is set to. But somehow I can't set the variable as an integer.

    this is an example of my loop in the script:

    for i in {1..$(($2))}
     echo "Welcome $i times"

    I have tried already the double brackets $(($...)) option as well as the double quotations "...", but the output I keep getting is

    Welcome {1..5} times

    which make me think, this is not an integer. I would appreciate any help in reading the input parameter as an integer into the script.

    • Mikael Kjær
      Mikael Kjær over 6 years
      If you insist on the {1..$ construct you can use something similar to this: for i in $(eval echo "{1..$2}"); do
  • Kusalananda
    Kusalananda over 6 years
    This depends on the shell. In ksh93, {1..$2} would work without issues.
  • Kusalananda
    Kusalananda over 6 years
    ... and that's ok since brace expansions are a non-standard extension, so shells can choose to do them in any way they see fit.
  • Kusalananda
    Kusalananda over 6 years
    With regards to the standard syntax and grammar, I would think so. But I have nothing backing that up.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 6 years
    @Kusalananda, also in zsh (where the syntax comes from) and yash. bash is the only shell (with support for {x..y}) where that doesn't work AFAIK.
  • Admin
    Admin over 6 years
    @Kusalananda Is it a reasonable question to ask?
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 6 years
    @tomasz, it's been asked many times before. It's a FAQ here
  • Kusalananda
    Kusalananda over 6 years
    @StéphaneChazelas Also shells like pdksh that has brace expansion but only supports alternation and not sequences. But that's nit-picking.
  • Assa Yeroslaviz
    Assa Yeroslaviz over 6 years
    thanks, this has solved my problem. I have used the second option.
  • Samuel
    Samuel over 3 years
    first one is not working in Ubuntu18.06