How to convert an object array to a normal array in python


Solution 1

Use numpy.concatenate:

>>> arr = array([array([[2.4567]],dtype=object),array([[3.4567]],dtype=object),array([[4.4567]],dtype=object),array([[5.4567]],dtype=object),array([[6.4567]], dtype=object)])
>>> np.concatenate(arr).astype(None)
array([[ 2.4567],
       [ 3.4567],
       [ 4.4567],
       [ 5.4567],
       [ 6.4567]])

Solution 2

You can use np.stack, works also for the multi dimensional case:

import numpy as np
from numpy import array

arr = array([array([[2.4567]],dtype=object),array([[3.4567]],dtype=object),array([[4.4567]],dtype=object),array([[5.4567]],dtype=object),array([[6.4567]],
Author by


Updated on June 07, 2020


  • Shashank
    Shashank almost 4 years

    I have an object array which looks something like this

    array([array([[2.4567]],dtype=object), array([[3.4567]],dtype=object), array([[4.4567]],dtype=object), array([[5.4567]],dtype=object) ... array([[6.4567]],dtype=object))

    This is just an example, actual one is much bigger.

    So, how do I convert this into a normal floating value numpy array.

  • Shashank
    Shashank almost 9 years
    what if the above array I mentioned is just the first row of a multi dimensional array and there are several rows. "np.concatenate" joins all of them into a 1d array which I do not want. So how to concatenate them rowwise without using for loops?
  • Darcy
    Darcy almost 5 years
    I have the same problem as @Shashank. The above method does not work for N x M arrays.
  • Ashwini Chaudhary
    Ashwini Chaudhary almost 5 years
    @Darcy then ask a new question instead of downvoting existing ones. o_O