How to convert from Access 2010 (.accdb) to Access 95/97 (.mdb)?


This isn't possible from within Microsoft Office. If you need to get your data into a pre-2000 level of Access, it should be possible to export the data and then import it into a running copy of the older Access. If there's only a single table, it shouldn't be that hard. If there are multiple tables involved it might take a while. If you've got fancy forms or queries built in, it might take more than a while.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • flash
    flash almost 2 years

    I am working on html/js code as shown below belonging to the following url in which all the content in black are pull from the xml

    <div class="container-wrap background--gray-light-2 cf">
        <div class="section container container--mid container--margbot background--white entry-content cf">
            <script src=""></script>
                <div id="podcast" align="center"></div>
                var PodcastplayerInstance = jwplayer("podcast");
                    playlist: "//",
                    androidhls: true,
                    preload: "auto",
                    height: 200,
                    width: 400,
                    visualplaylist: false,
                    stretching: "fill",
                    "plugins": {
                        "": {},
                        'viral-2': {'oncomplete': 'False', 'onpause': 'False', 'functions': 'All'}
        </div><!-- .entry-content -->
    </div><!-- .container-wrap -->

    Problem Statement:

    I am wondering what php/javascript code I need to add above so that it fetches only April 3, 2019 or April 1, 2019 or only one content (as shown below) ON PAGE LOAD from the vertical rectangle box from here

    enter image description here

    At this moment, 5 contents (in a black rectangle box) are being pulled from xml.

    Used the following logic in order to pull specific content from xml:

     $context  = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'Accept: application/xml')));
     $url = '';
     $xml = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
     $itemarray = $xml->xpath("/rss/channel/item[1]");

    I am wondering how I can integrate it with the above html/js code. The value (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of item array can be shuffle depending on requirement.

    • chuff
      chuff over 11 years
      Access 2010 can convert back to Access 2000 with but no farther: choose File / Save and Publish to see the available formats. If you don't have Access 97-2000 on hand, the answers to this StackOverflow questions give some guidance on how to get the rest of the way to a 97 mdb.
    • CJ7
      CJ7 over 11 years
      @chuff: can Access 2000 convert back to 95/97?
    • chuff
      chuff over 11 years
    • Andy
      Andy about 5 years
      Can you control what is returned in the XML here
    • flash
      flash about 5 years
      No, I cannot control what is returned in the xml there.
    • Andy
      Andy about 5 years
      ok so you just want to read parts of the XML using Javascript. Have you tried this
    • flash
      flash about 5 years
      No, I didn't try that. I am going to have a look.
    • flash
      flash about 5 years
      The content in the rectangular black box is definitely coming from here
    • Andy
      Andy about 5 years
      I have been playing with it here
    • flash
      flash about 5 years
      But you are hard coding the content. The content gonna change every week.
  • flash
    flash about 5 years
    Thanks Sally. I have one more question. Its not similar, I am wondering if you can have a look.
  • Sally CJ
    Sally CJ about 5 years
    You're welcome. And regarding that question, I wanted to help, but looking at the page, I guess the issue is solved?
  • flash
    flash about 5 years
    No, its not working. If you check the website, in it shows showing under timezone ET is 100% correct as they are falling under correct dates but for other timezones (PT, MT, CT, AT, NT) some shows are not under correct date.
  • flash
    flash about 5 years
    are you around ?
  • Sally CJ
    Sally CJ about 5 years
    Yes, but I'll get back to you later.