How to create a GUI in shell script without any third party libs just like setup command


You can use whiptail or dialog

Have look at this thread:

Whiptail or dialog

Bash Shell Scripting/Whiptail


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James Khan
Author by

James Khan

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • James Khan
    James Khan almost 2 years
    UPDATE tablex 
    set Deal Number= '  '
    where Deal Number is null 

    Trying to make field have a ' ' ( white space ). Instead null becomes 0 .

    How do I get what I want here ?

    • Joe Stefanelli
      Joe Stefanelli over 12 years
      What's the data type of Deal Number?
    • Mr Lister
      Mr Lister over 12 years
      Is there really a space in the name Deal Number? Then put it in square brackets.
    • Ram
      Ram almost 11 years
      @rahmu I need to create script Using only basic default packages installed on any linux machine and show a GUI like setup command ..
    • rahmu
      rahmu almost 11 years
      There's no such thing as "basic default packages installed on any linux machine". You cannot make any assumption about what's on a user's machine beyond a linux kernel. We could help you more if you told us which systems you're targeting specifically.
    • user
      user almost 11 years
      There's also no generic "setup command" that would give us any indication of what you are after. Perhaps you can provide a screenshot or even just a mockup showing what exactly you are trying to accomplish?
  • Brad Christie
    Brad Christie over 12 years
    More has to do with the server trying to parse the string to a number and whitespace is being parsed to 0 (default value of a float type since conversion failed). However, setting Deal Number = '3.14' would give you the desired result (a numeric of 3.14) because it was in-fact able to be parsed as a numeric.
  • Ram
    Ram almost 11 years
    Is whiptail is available in RHEL 6 by default ???