how to create a new AVD in eclipse?


Solution 1

May be the following will help :

Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager

Device Definitions

Create new device

Then start the emulator

Solution 2

Try to create an AVD with the monitor.bat in the tools-folder, that worked out for me!

Solution 3

Try Window -> Android SDK Manager. update your Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-tools to the latest version

Solution 4

if u cant click the ok button,try running avd manager outside worked for me as i encountered very same problem...later choose that device from avd manager using will run the stimulator

Solution 5

They most probably have changed some AVD settings. As for your second question regarding what options you should select: Don't make a very tiny SD card. Anything above 100mb should work fine. As for target choose the android version you've downloaded a system image for using the SDK.

I don't understand what you mean by "not be available", but if its the OK button its because you have no target platform.

If you mean, that the emulator won't start up, give it some time. You can even put the emulator in snapshot mode so it will open right where it last left off, saving you time.

Author by


Updated on October 20, 2020


  • rand
    rand over 3 years

    I have a problem in creating a new android virtual device in eclipse I have a window with this information needed : AVD name , Device , Target , CPU/ABI , Keyboard , Skin , Front Camera , Back Camera , Memory Options , Internal Storge , SD Card , Emulation Options , and an OK button .

    Instead of the window which I see in the tutorials that needs just this info : Name , Target , CPU/ABI , SD Card , Snapshot , Skin , Hardware , and Create AVD button .

    And in my window I don't know what is the device option should I select + what ever I selected the OK button never be available ! what should I do ? please help me , thank you .

  • rand
    rand over 11 years
    I mean that what ever I put the options I can't press the OK button .. I tried many options and it doesn't work , please see the links I added now in the question .
  • rand
    rand over 11 years
    thank you this is really helpful , but please what should the screen size be?
  • Amt87
    Amt87 over 11 years
    You can check the device that you want to simulate its size screen on for example, and put its screen resolution heightXwidth and the whole screen size in inches such as 4.7 inch as mentioned in the second screenshot above
  • J. Volkya
    J. Volkya over 10 years
    Thanks, that did it for me!
  • Philip
    Philip over 10 years
    no but i keep having this error with different machines. only with the ADT (= android developer tools) it seems to work, not with native eclipse plus sd + adt