How to create a new file / directory using ranger?


Solution 1

To create a directory in ranger, just type

:mkdir exampledir


:touch examplefile

Solution 2

The accepted answer is correct, but someone might prefer to get these commands typed just by pressing one key. As @jaustin describes in his answer, one need to have keys mapped in ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf config file.

If you copied default configuration files by

ranger --copy-config=all

then you already have the shortest access to mkdir / touch:

  • F7 - mkdir (config: map <F7> console mkdir%space)
  • Insert - touch (config: map <INSERT> console touch%space)

Mine current version of Ranger is 1.9.2.

BTW: extra space at the end of map c console touch␣ doesn't work. Only map c console touch%space will work.

Solution 3

You can use :touch somefile, but I prefer it mapped to a key.

:map c console touch  (note the extra space at the end)

Place this at the bottom of your ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf minus the leading :

Solution 4

For creating a new file that you intend to immediately edit, using:

:edit new_file_name

is slightly faster. This will open the file in vim. Note that you'd need to save it in vim (e.g. with :w<CR>) before it appears (contrary to :touch, which will create the file immediately).

Author by


PHP / Devops by day. Haskell by night. I like Linux, Spacemacs, Dvorak, windows tiling managers. Music production, Bitcoin. Hopefully unconventional.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • nolan
    nolan almost 2 years

    I suppose I could use mkdir / touch but I'm not sure if these would go in the current directory as viewed in ranger.