How to create a streaming API with NodeJS


You would want to set up a system that keeps track of incoming requests and stores their response objects. Then when it's time to stream a new event from FriendFeed, iterate through their response objects and responses[i].write('something') out to them.

Check out LearnBoost's Socket.IO-Node, you may even just be able to use that project as your framework and not have to code it yourself.

From the Socket.IO-Node example app (for chat):

io.listen(server, {

    onClientConnect: function(client){
        client.send(json({ buffer: buffer }));
        client.broadcast(json({ announcement: client.sessionId + ' connected' }));

    onClientDisconnect: function(client){
        client.broadcast(json({ announcement: client.sessionId + ' disconnected' }));

    onClientMessage: function(message, client){
        var msg = { message: [client.sessionId, message] };
        if (buffer.length > 15) buffer.shift();

Author by


I'm a programmer that likes Python, Haskell, Ruby, Erlang, Elixir, C#.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • igorgue
    igorgue almost 2 years

    How would you go to create a streaming API with Node? just like the Twitter streaming API.

    What I want to do ultimately is get the first update from the FriendFeed api, and stream when a new one becomes available (if the id is different), and later on expose it as a web service so I can use it with WebSockets on my website :).

    So far I have this:

    var sys = require('sys'),
        http = require('http');
    var ff = http.createClient(80, '');
    var request = ff.request('GET', '/v2/feed/igorgue?num=1', 
                             {'host': ''});
    request.addListener('response', function (response) {
        response.setEncoding('utf8'); // this is *very* important!
        response.addListener('data', function (chunk) {
            var data = JSON.parse(chunk);

    Which only gets the data from FriendFeed, creating the Http server with node is easy but it can't return a stream (or I haven't yet found out how).

  • igorgue
    igorgue almost 14 years
    I couldn't do it, I'm having a hard time probably understanding Node, so, I want to repeat the http request, but for some reason I cannot attach a callback to httpRequest.end :(. Anyways, thanks a lot!