How to create an alert message in Google app script while deploying a web app?


Browser.msgBox is indeed only available in the spreadsheet interface, not in webapps.

You have a lot of alternatives to throw alerts but you should mention wether you use UiApp or HTML Service.

In UiApp you can create a popupPanel for example while in HTML you can throw alerts (throw new Error('sample alert')) or use JQuery Ui elements to do that.

Yair Saban
Author by

Yair Saban

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Yair Saban
    Yair Saban almost 2 years

    I am trying to create a web app using Google app script, that if you press a button, you may get an alert message.

    In the file I tried this :

    function let_user_decide()
    Browser.msgBox('Greetings', 'Press Yes or No?', Browser.Buttons.YES_NO);

    unfortunately I keep getting this when I press the button when I should get the alert message :

    Exception: Cannot call Browser.inputBox() from this context.

    Important to mention : my script is using Google spreadsheet but the msgBox should appear in the webapp! In addition, I use HTML

    Any idea what am I doing wrong? And how can I fix it?