How to create custom directives in Sphinx


Sphinx can be extended with custom directives via "Sphinx Extensions". That is, you will need to implement a Sphinx extension providing the query_param custom directive, and add this extension to your Sphinx project.

Sphinx documentation provides a tutorial on implementing extensions, in which they implement a custom directive indeed.


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Updated on June 11, 2022


  • Blubber
    Blubber about 2 years

    I'm currently documenting a rest API written in Python. All the project's documentation is created using Sphinx, and for the REST API I would like to create some special directives. For instance, let's say I have this resource defined:

    @resource("/user/<email>", method="GET")
    def user_details (email):
        """ Returns detailed information about a user account.
        :resource GET: /user/<email>
        :query_param a_param: Some kind of query param.
        # Do stuff and return user details

    That's basically how the documentation currently looks. I would like to be able to create a directive for Sphinx that formats one or more of those :query_param ...: just like it does with regular :param:.

    I have found how to make roles, but they only work inline, not for blocks of data.

    How should I go about making this?

    • John Szakmeister
      John Szakmeister almost 12 years
      You may want to ask this on the Sphinx Google Group. Someone there might be more capable of answering the question. Off-hand, I'm not sure how documentation blocks are treated. You can certainly create extensions in Sphinx/docutils, but I'm not sure how docstring parsing fits into the Sphinx/docutils model.
    • John Szakmeister
      John Szakmeister almost 12 years
      The answer probably involves using a GroupedField in your extension though.