How to create timestamp variable in Python?


You cannot avoid having to call if you need to capture the current time at different moments.

Put the call in a function if you feel it is too verbose to repeat:

def current_time():
    return'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

then call that:

for i in range(5):
    print current_time()

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Tom Kurushingal
Author by

Tom Kurushingal

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Tom Kurushingal
    Tom Kurushingal about 2 years

    I am trying to create a timestamp variable which actually stores the present time and outputs the time at that instance. A reproducible code is also included:

    import time
    from datetime import datetime
    t ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    for i in range(5):
        print t


    2015-03-11 11:28:53
    2015-03-11 11:28:53
    2015-03-11 11:28:53
    2015-03-11 11:28:53
    2015-03-11 11:28:53

    Desired output

    2015-03-11 11:28:53
    2015-03-11 11:28:55
    2015-03-11 11:28:57
    2015-03-11 11:28:59
    2015-03-11 11:29:01

    Any easy way to do this instead of placing the command'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    multiple times in the code.

    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters over 9 years
      Why would a string object update itself in a loop? Why not simply use print'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') in the loop itself?
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters over 9 years
      If you want to capture the current time at specific moments, you'll have to call to measure the current time.
    • Tom Kurushingal
      Tom Kurushingal over 9 years
      I have to use it at multiple locations, makes the code look very messy.
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters over 9 years
      Then put it in a function you call.
    • Tom Kurushingal
      Tom Kurushingal over 9 years
      Wouldn't there be a time lag, between the function call and function output?
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters over 9 years
      You are printing time at the second level and you are worried about the overhead of calling a function? We are talking nanoseconds here.
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters over 9 years
      Or to put it another way: if you are worried about the overhead of calling a function, why are you creating a new datetime object then formatting that object to a string each time? Why are you not using timeit.default_time and worry about converting that number to a precise timestamp later? Why are you using Python at all if this is time critical?
    • Padraic Cunningham
      Padraic Cunningham over 9 years
      t = lambda:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(t()) will also work.
    • jfs
      jfs over 9 years
      note: logging module can include the timestamp automatically in whatever time format you'd like.