How to customize arrow icon, page icon and page title in MasterDetailPage - Xamarin.Forms

  1. You can change arrow to hamburger icon if you use your DetailPage within NavigationPage:

    Detail = new NavigationPage(detailPage);
  2. To change icon, just change project files:

    • YourProject/Resources/drawable/icon.png
    • YourProject/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon.png
    • YourProject/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png
    • YourProject/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon.png

    or on your MasterDetailPage set Icon property to another resource.

    If you want to hide icon - it only applies to Android. It can be solved with custom renderer (

    public class CustomNavigationRenderer : NavigationRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<NavigationPage> e)
            base.OnElementChanged (e);
            var actionBar = ((Activity)Context).ActionBar;
            actionBar.SetIcon (Resource.Color.transparent);

    EDIT: It can also be done in MainActivity.cs:

    ActionBar.SetIcon (new ColorDrawable(Resources.GetColor (Android.Resource.Color.Transparent)));
  3. Just use Title property on Page.

  4. SetHasNavigationBar(page, false);

Ladislav Margai
Author by

Ladislav Margai

BY DAY: Kentico Build Breaker Extraordinaire. BY NIGHT: Experimenting with connecting Azure, Mobile Apps and IOT world. "We're entering a new world in which data may be more important than software." - Tim O'Reilly

Updated on July 19, 2022


  • Ladislav Margai
    Ladislav Margai almost 2 years

    I have created a new Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) project in Visual Studio 2015 and modified App.cs to get "hamburger menu":

    public class App : Application
        public App()
            var masterPage = new ContentPage()
                Content = new Label { Text = "Hello from Master!"},
                Title = "Master Page"
            var detailPage = new ContentPage()
                Content = new Label { Text = "Hello from Detail!" },
                Title = "Detail Page"
            var mainPage = new MasterDetailPage()
                Master = masterPage,
                Detail = detailPage,
                Title = "Main Page"
            // The root page of your application
            MainPage = mainPage;
        . . .

    Everything works fine, but how can I customize these four things:

    1) Hide / change Arrow

    2) Hide / change Icon

    3) Hide / change Title text

    4) Hide whole toolbar


  • Ashish-BeJovial
    Ashish-BeJovial over 7 years
    But i haven't found Resources folder in portable project, but it is available in xamarinMyProject.Droid
  • Joseph Katzman
    Joseph Katzman about 7 years
    I used your code and got null value for actionBar. What I did wrong?
  • VahidShir
    VahidShir over 5 years
    @JosephKatzman If your MainActivity extends from FormsAppCompatActivity then you need to use SupportActionBar instead of ActionBar.