How to debug Nagios "NRPE: Unable to read output" when checking NFS?


Solution 1

From my experience, this error is caused by missing permissions. You tried to execute the nrpe client script as root. Try to execute it as the user the nrpe daemon is running as. This should give you an hint towards the cause. If this does not help, try to run

strace usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ /nas1/home

as the nrpe user.

Solution 2

I had the same problema, many times it was permission. Setting permission or using sudoers solve it.

Try to login with nrpe/nagios user (su - nrpe) and try to run the command.

Other possibilite is the selinux, try to disable is TO TEST:

echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sandra
    Sandra almost 2 years

    I have a working Nagios setup where I e.g. monitor disk usage through the NRPE daemon without parsing arguments through NRPE for security reasons. So I know that NRPE works.

    Now I would like to check NFS using the check_mountpoints plugin, but I get

    NRPE: Unable to read output 

    On Nagios Monitor host I have set

    define command {
      command_name check_mountpoints
      command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c check_mountpoints 
    define service {
      use                     generic-service
      name                    check_mountpoints
      service_description     Check_mountpoints for nfs cifs davfs
      check_command           check_nrpe!check_mountpoints
      contact_groups          linux-admins

    On the remote host have I set

    command[check_mountpoints]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ /nas1/home

    To verify that the correct arguments have been given the command outputs this

    [root@nas ~]# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ /nas1/home
    OK: all mounts were found ( /nas1/home)
    [root@nas ~]# 

    And both Nagios monitor host and remote host have a working NRPE daemon running.


    How do I debug something like this?

    • Admin
      Admin about 12 years
      Did you try to run the same script with nagios user? I can see that you are running it as root in the working example above.
    • Admin
      Admin about 12 years
      Very nicely spotted. That was the problem. The permissions of were 750, which had to be 755.
  • Sandra
    Sandra about 12 years
    You are a genius! The permissions of had to be changed to 755. Doing that solved the problem =)
  • ercpe
    ercpe about 12 years
    I'm glad that i can help you. Since the problem is resolved, please accept the answer.
  • Giuseppe Salvatore
    Giuseppe Salvatore over 5 years
    This was a really good suggestion. Problem is that in my case, looking at the output of strace is actually a pain. I might try to interpret it but I can't figure out what is trying to tell
  • gkephorus
    gkephorus over 3 years
    I had a permission problem within the commands file. I used sudo there where the nrpe-user (opsview) did not have sudo-rights. This causes the same error.