How to decode Json using native JSON or actionjson in Flex 3


Solution 1

If the fastest parser is what you want, then you'll want use native JSON parsing. Its usage is as simple as this:

var result:Object = JSON.parse(event.result);
trace(result.workflow.template);  //traces "Analysis1"

The JSON class is located in the root package, so no need to import anything. You can find information on its usage in the docs.

However native JSON is only available for Flash Player 11 or higher, which means you'll have to target at least that player version. Since your compiling a Flex 3 application, it will target Flash Player 9 by default. If your requirements don't prohibit you from targeting FP11+, the easiest fix is to compile with the Flex 4.6 (or higher) SDK. The screenshot in your question shows that you're using Flex 3.5, so you'll have to change that in the "build path" settings.

If you wish to traverse the resulting object dynamically, you can do it with a simple 'for' loop:

//workflow is the root node of your structure
var workflow:Object = result.workflow;
//iterate the keys in the 'workflow' object
for (var key:String in workflow) {
    trace(key + ': ' + workflow[key]);
//template: Analysis1
//start: [Object]
//host: [Object]

If you want to do it recursively, you can check whether a value is an Object or not:

if (workflow[key] is Object) {
    //parse that node too
else {
    //just use the value

Solution 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
        import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;       
        private var json_file:Class;
        protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            trace("Hello from Flex Debugging!");
            var bytes:ByteArray = new json_file();
            var json:String = bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.length);
            var arr:Object = JSON.decode(json);
            for (var keyname:String in arr)
                trace ( keyname + ": " + arr[ keyname ] );          
            grid.dataProvider = arr;
<mx:DataGrid id="grid" right="10" left="10" top="10" bottom="10">
            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name"/>
            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Age" dataField="age"/>
    <mx:Button x="538" y="45" label="Get Json" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>


{ "name": "dibneg", "age" : "67", "sex": "female", "imagePath": "kamil.jpg" }

Solution 3

After following solution from RIAstar, this is what I did (both Flex 3.5 compiler & 4.6 compiler code)

Flex 3.5 compiler using as3corelib.swc for JSON

import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;

private var temp:String ='{"workflow":{ "template":"HeapDumpAnalysis",      "start":{       "instance":"HDA_run1",      "user":"symtest",       "date":"3-Mar-2012",        "timestamp":"1330948220475" },  "host":{        "name":"estilo",        "user":"symtest1",      "password":"symtest1",      "installpath":"",       "product":""    },  "javadump":{        "pid":"8989",       "corefilename":"",      "heapdump":"",      "stack":"",     "INFA_HOME":""  },  "mat":{ },  "email":{       "to":"[email protected]",     "subject":"",       "message":""    },  "end":{ }}}';
private function test():void
    var obj = JSON.decode(temp);

    var workflow:Object = obj.workflow;
    for (var key:String in workflow) {
        trace(key + ': ' + workflow[key] + (key is String) + ", " + (workflow[key] is String));



javadump: [object Object]true, false
template: HeapDumpAnalysistrue, true
host: [object Object]true, false
end: [object Object]true, false
mat: [object Object]true, false
email: [object Object]true, false
start: [object Object]true, false

Flex 4.6 compiler using native Json parsing

private var temp:String ='{"workflow":{ "template":"HeapDumpAnalysis",      "start":{       "instance":"HDA_run1",      "user":"symtest",       "date":"3-Mar-2012",        "timestamp":"1330948220475" },  "host":{        "name":"estilo",        "user":"symtest1",      "password":"symtest1",      "installpath":"",       "product":""    },  "javadump":{        "pid":"8989",       "corefilename":"",      "heapdump":"",      "stack":"",     "INFA_HOME":""  },  "mat":{ },  "email":{       "to":"[email protected]",       "subject":"",       "message":""    },  "end":{ }}}';

private function test():void
    var result:Object = JSON.parse(temp);
    var workflow:Object = result.workflow;

    for (var key:String in workflow) {
        trace(key + ': ' + workflow[key] + (key is String) + ", " + (workflow[key] is String));



javadump: [object Object]true, false
mat: [object Object]true, false
end: [object Object]true, false
email: [object Object]true, false
host: [object Object]true, false
start: [object Object]true, false
template: HeapDumpAnalysistrue, true

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Quiet and fun loving, here to learn and share. :) SOreadytohelp Got to share some amazing things. Thanks SO.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz almost 2 years

    I have the below Json (wf.json)

            "to":"[email protected]",

    As you can see there are 7 items (or sub headings inside main heading workflow). Under each item it can have another set of properties eg: email (item) has 3 properties ("name":"value").

    So based on the number of properties I need to be able to create controls (Text) in my Flex 3 UI.

    I read here that actionjson is 5-6x faster than the as3corelib, but I am not able to find any example code for it. The actionjson doc says it function the same way as corelib, so I even tried import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON; JSON.decode(rawData) but it is unable to find JSON.

    Below is my code

    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" 
                layout="absolute" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            private function onJSONLoad(event:ResultEvent):void
                //get the raw JSON data and cast to String
                var rawData:String = String(event.result);
                //; This prints my JSON String
                var obj:Object = decodeJson(rawData);   
                /*error call to possibly undefined method decodeJson*/
        <mx:HTTPService id="service" resultFormat="text"
                    result="onJSONLoad(event)" />

    Please help me fetch name, values if any from each item. Thanks

    Is it not possible to directly fetch json data from an object (not custom made) like it is done in jquery?

    Update with Flex Build Path

    enter image description here

    • RIAstar
      The absolute fastest is native JSON parsing, but you must be able to target Flash Player 11.
    • RIAstar
      Come to think of it: Flex 3 comes with a playerglobal.swc that targets FlashPlayer 9. So you would either have to compile your Flex 3 app with the Flex 4.5 compiler or replace that playerglobal.swc with the one from the Flex 4.5 SDK. Is any of these approaches acceptable to you?
  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz over 12 years
    I used import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONDecoder; var obj = JSON.decode(event.result.toString());; but i gives me empty alert box
  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz over 12 years
    Also is it native JSON parsing?
  • RIAstar
    RIAstar over 12 years
    @AbhishekSimon No it's not and neither is it 'actionjson'. This is the one from 'as3corelib' which you seek to replace.
  • RIAstar
    RIAstar over 12 years
    @AbhishekSimon And that alert isn't showing anything because you need to access that value through result.workflow.template instead of result.template. Not an answer to the question and a mistake: -1
  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz over 12 years
    Thanks your comment works. I am afraid I have to stick with Flex 3 compiler, because my project is made in the same. So following your comment it gives me Analysis1, for;;[1]); code, but later alerts don't seem to work. I wanted to get all the keys & values as I mentioned before, it's dynamic, and I don't know what keys and values the Json might contain. So may be some kind of traversal and i'll get all the keys. Is there a way? Thanks and sorry for, me being such a noob
  • RIAstar
    RIAstar over 12 years
    @AbhishekSimon I've added a dynamic traversal example to my answer. Also you can compile a Flex3 app with the Flex 4.6 compiler. You just have to be certain that your customer's requirements allow you to target FP 11
  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz over 12 years
    Awesome.. exactly what i wanted. Thanks very nice information.
  • AabinGunz
    AabinGunz over 12 years
    just for the sake of other newbie's I am adding my answer, but credit goes to you :)