How to define DataContext in XAML using StaticResource


Solution 1

If to avoid complicating the question with Entities Framework and MSSQL NorthWind database, then the good illustration is provided in Example2 sample code of codeproject "WPF/MVVM Quick Start Tutorial"

For your XAML you should change the beginning of it to:

<Window x:Class="DataGridEF.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"

        <vm:bNorthWind />
<!---Couldnt check your code due to dependencies on 
     EF and MSSQL NorthWind database

     See the reference for working illustration sample:


Another variation of this approach can be seen in "What is the advantage of setting DataContext in code instead of XAML?", the part:

        <local:CustomerViewModel />

Migrating DataContext definition from codebehind to XAML is unrelated to the usage of either StaticResource or DynamicResource. See: What's the difference between StaticResource and DynamicResource in WPF? probably better addressed in codeproject WPF: StaticResource vs. DynamicResource

Related, helpful and further reading:

Solution 2

I prefer to set the key as a static string - WPF has enough magic strings without cornering yourself into a refactoring corner if you can easily avoid it.

in App.xaml

<viewModels:ApplicationViewModel x:Key= "{x:Static local:App.MainVmResourceKey}"/>

in App.xaml.cs

public static readonly string MainVmResourceKey = "MainVm";

in my various Control.xaml

            <StaticResource ResourceKey="{x:Static app:App.MainVmResourceKey}" />

note the UserControl part is whatever type you want to apply the ViewModel to.


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Jim Thomas
Author by

Jim Thomas

Updated on December 05, 2020


  • Jim Thomas
    Jim Thomas over 3 years

    I want to declare a DataContext through a static resource in XAML as a binding for the Customers in the Northwind database. I can do this easily in code (C#) but want to learn how to do in XAML. I have tried all of the examples I can find but none of them work for me. I believe the issue is in the two XAML lines of code I have labeled [Option1] and [Option2]. Can you clarify what the syntax for this really should be?


    namespace DataGridEF
        public partial class MainWindow : Window
            public MainWindow()
                bModel1 bNorthWind = new bModel1();
                //this.DataContext = bNorthWind;
    namespace DataGridEF
        public class bModel1
            List<Customer> _Customers;
            public List<Customer> Customers
                get { return _Customers; }
                set { _Customers = value; }
            public void GetCustomers()
                NorthwindEntities NorthWind = new NorthwindEntities();
                var CustomerQ = from cust in NorthWind.Customers select cust;
                _Customers = CustomerQ.ToList();


     <Window x:Class="DataGridEF.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"
        <vm:bModel1 x:Key="TheViewModel" />
        <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="195" 
                  HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,89,0,0" 
                  Name="dataGrid1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Customers}" 
                  [option1]DataContext="{StaticResource TheViewModel}"
                      "{Binding Path=., Source={StaticResource TheViewModel}}"
                  VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="471" >
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Binding="{Binding Path=ContactName}" />
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Address" Binding="{Binding Path=Address}" />
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="City" Binding="{Binding Path=City}" />
  • Zev Spitz
    Zev Spitz over 4 years
    Is there any benefit to using a static resource vs. setting Window.DataContext directly? If not, then this answer suggests setting it directly.