How to delete selected rows from a DataGridView?


Solution 1

If you just want to remove the selected rows from the DataGridView this should do it:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row  in yourDataGridView.SelectedRows)

Your code didn't work because you've used RemoveAt(rows) but RemoveAt accepts only the index of the row which you want to remove. You are passing a DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection to it. You can get the index of a row via DataGridViewRow.Index as shown above.

Solution 2

if you are using a list of model, following code could help:

 foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewX.SelectedRows)
                var val = (int)row.Cells[0].Value;
                Products.Remove(Products.Find(d => d.ProductId == val));
            dataGridViewX.DataSource = null;
            dataGridViewX.DataSource = Products;
Author by


Updated on August 15, 2022


  • MKX2015
    MKX2015 almost 2 years

    I have a DataGridView and a Button. If rows are selected I want to delete them by clicking the button. I tried a couple of commands like RemoveAt, SelectedRows etc., but nothing did work. How can I solve that?

    I tried something like:

     if (dataGridView2.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
                    DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection rows =   dataGridView2.SelectedRows;

    but the RemoveAt method does only accept integers. Before I tried it with Selected Cells but then he delets all rows because there is always a cell selected.