How to determine what new products and classifications have been added by WSUS


Solution 1

I find the easiest way is to keep an eye on the WSUS Product Team Blog here. The only other way I have found is to manually go through the list, but that can be painful at times.

Solution 2

You can do this in an administrative PowerShell:


[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null

if (!$wsus) {
             $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer() 

$wsus.GetUpdateClassifications("$((Get-Date).AddDays(-31))","$(Get-Date)") | select Title, Description, Releasenotes, arrivaldate
$wsus.GetUpdateCategories("$((Get-Date).AddDays(-31))","$(Get-Date)") | select Title, Description, Releasenotes, arrivaldate

This will list all classifications and categories added in the past 31 days.

Solution 3

The only way to I know of is to watch for message you have above. (I check WSUS once every a week as a matter of routine)

Then go to the update services mmc | options | Product and Classifications

Once I have that open I have used my favorite note taking app to write down what I have checked previous. Then I do a stare and compare to determine which ones have changed.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Toro
    Toro over 1 year

    The WSUS Management Console reports, that

    2 new products and 0 new classifications have been added in the past 30 days.

    How to determine which products (and classifications) exactly have been added?

  • Toro
    Toro almost 15 years
    This is what I'm trying to avoid...
  • Toro
    Toro almost 15 years
    Sorry, but the question was about products and classifications, not about updates.
  • Deer Hunter
    Deer Hunter about 9 years
    Some explanatory words are necessary.
  • Sören Kuklau
    Sören Kuklau almost 9 years
    I've added an explanation.