How to disable Hibernate validation in a Spring Boot project


Solution 1

As [M. Deinum] mentioned in a comment on my original post, the solution is to set:

In the file.

Additionally, this behaviour is described here (its easy to miss because no example is provided).

Solution 2

@Erin Drummond's Answer is for database entity validation (individual records)

But if someone ran into a problem with schema validation below property works well.

# Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, validate, update, none)
Erin Drummond
Author by

Erin Drummond

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Erin Drummond
    Erin Drummond almost 2 years

    I have a spring boot project that has a CrudRepository, an Entity and a Controller. I am basically trying to persist an entity based on the data passed to the Controller.

    To do this, I am using spring-boot-starter-jpa. My Entity is annotated with JSR-303 annotations, which are checked in the controller before the data gets passed to the CrudRepository for persistence.

    Controller method:

    @RequestMapping(value = "users", method = { RequestMethod.POST })
    public SuccessfulResponse<User> addUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user, BindingResult validation) {
        if (validation.hasErrors()) {
            throw new ValidationException(validation);
        User saved =;
        return new SuccessfulResponse<User>(saved);


    @Entity /* JPA */
    public class User {
       @Id /* JPA */
       @Column(name="email_address", nullable=false, length=255) /* JPA */
       private String emailAddress;

    The cause of my issues is the UserUnique annotation. Its validator looks like this:

    public class UserUniqueValidator implements ConstraintValidator<UserUnique, String> {
       private UserRepository users;
       public UserUniqueValidator(UserRepository users) {
           this.users = users;
       public void initialize(UserUnique annotation) {}
       public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
           return users.findOne(value) == null;

    What seems to be happening is, the validation is getting run twice. Once in the controller via the @Valid annotation, and once when Hibernate tries to persist the object. However, when Hibernate tries to persist the object, it throws:

    javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000064: Unable to instantiate ConstraintValidator: class test.UserUniqueValidator`

    This seems to be because its not spring-aware and cant inject the dependency into the constructor. So, what I want to do is disable Hibernate validation completely (as its redundant and already happening in the controller).

    There seems to be a property called javax.persistence.validation.mode which you can set to none. However, I cant for the life of me figure out where to set it in a code-based configuration.

    I realise there are questions like JSR-303 dependency injection and Hibernate but these are all using xml config and manually configuring parts of the persistence layer.

    What I want to do is "post-configure" the required parts of the persistence layer that Spring Boot creates for me because if I define my own then I am no longer leveraging Spring Boot's auto configuration. Can anyone help me determine if 1) this is possible and 2) which parts do I need to configure and how?
