How to disable phone number linking in Mobile Safari?


Solution 1

This seems to be the right thing to do, according to the Safari HTML Reference:

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">

If you disable this but still want telephone links, you can still use the "tel" URI scheme.

Here is the relevant page at Apple's Developer Library.

Solution 2

I use a zero-width joiner &zwj;

Just put that somewhere in the phone number and it works for me. Tested in BrowserStack (and Litmus for emails).

Solution 3

To disable the phone parsing appearance for specific elements, this CSS seems to do the trick:

.element { pointer-events: none; }
.element > a { text-decoration:none; color:inherit; }

The first rule disables the click, the second takes care of the styling.

Solution 4

I was having the same problem. I found a property on the UIWebView that allows you to turn off the data detectors.

self.webView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeNone;

Solution 5

To disable phone number detection on part of a page, wrap the affected text in an anchor tag with href="#". If you do this, mobile Safari and UIWebView should leave it alone.

<a href="#"> 1234567 </a>
Author by


I am a software engineer/developer/programmer in New York City. As of August 2015, my main thing is LogCheck. My side thing is Heroic Software. (So side, it's not worth linking to.) One of these days, I'll start blogging again.

Updated on July 18, 2022


  • benzado
    benzado almost 2 years

    Safari on iPhone automatically creates links for strings of digits that appear to the telephone numbers. I am writing a web page containing an IP address, and Safari is turning that into a phone number link. Is it possible to disable this behavior for a whole page or an element on a page?

  • Joe Dargie
    Joe Dargie almost 14 years
    Hi Bob. If you want to put in HTML code examples, you have to wrap the code in backticks, <like this>. (Stack Overflow uses a formatting language called Markdown.) I’ll edit your answer accordingly.
  • BobFromBris
    BobFromBris almost 14 years
    That didn't ultimately work - when I reloaded the App, the link hiliting was back. I have resorted to adding a# character to the front of the phone number: according to the Apple doc "Apple URL Scheme Reference": "Specifically, if a URL contains the * or # characters, the Phone application does not attempt to dial the corresponding phone number."
  • mhenry1384
    mhenry1384 about 13 years
    This simply doesn't work. Not for web apps on iOS 4.3.1 anyway.
  • mhenry1384
    mhenry1384 about 13 years
    You should remove your answer, since it doesn't work. As you yourself acknowledge in the above comment.
  • Mark Brackett
    Mark Brackett about 13 years
  • somewhatsapient
    somewhatsapient about 13 years
    This isn't really an answer per se -- i'm just trying to lend my voice to say that this works in iOS 4.3.3, at least for me. cheers
  • Geert
    Geert almost 13 years
    Unfortunately, in Internet Explorer I get those broken image icons. Adding width="0" height="0" helps, but still a single pixel is displayed.
  • iandotkelly
    iandotkelly almost 13 years
    At last, a solution that worked for me. Of course this will only work with people writing their own objective-c application using UIWebView, and not using the Safari app. Thanks!!
  • JustJohn
    JustJohn over 12 years
    This is what I ended up doing since the meta tag didn't work. However, it's probably better done with <a href="javascript:;"> to prevent side effects from a URL change.
  • benzado
    benzado about 12 years
    Looks to me like this sets the color explicitly. In other words, it will be gray no matter what.
  • Deamon
    Deamon almost 12 years
    Can you do this on per element basis instead of turning it off for the entire page?
  • Dave Stein
    Dave Stein almost 12 years
    Just wanted to note this also works for recent versions, such as 5.1.1 which I'm on now.
  • Oliver Tappin
    Oliver Tappin about 11 years
    Does anyone know how to do this for emails?
  • geedubb
    geedubb over 10 years
    @Bob Nice clean tip. We had issues with HTML in an email. Wrapping in a label worked nicely +1, thanks
  • EeKay
    EeKay over 10 years
    Works nicely in my Cordova 3.3.1-0.1.2 based project! using tel indeed lets you still recognize a phone number. +1
  • Joe Dargie
    Joe Dargie about 10 years
    “Depending on the font you use, the first two are barely noticeable” Unless the user has set iOS to read the content out to them. Then it’d be pretty noticeable.
  • Joe Dargie
    Joe Dargie about 10 years
    “pointer events stops it from being viewed like a link in a browser” — in a browser that supports pointer-events, sure. If the user is viewing your HTML e-mails in IE 10, however, no good.
  • Christopher King
    Christopher King about 10 years
    Works on Safari Mobile on iPad and iPhone running on iOS 7.x
  • craigpatik
    craigpatik about 10 years
    Note that this does not work if you insert the <meta> tag with JavaScript (at least on iOS 7.1). The tag has to be in the HTML when the browser downloads it.
  • Irae Carvalho
    Irae Carvalho almost 10 years
    well, I cannot say about the original poster, but in my case Safari is guessing phones that are not actually phone numbers, they are financial data
  • t_motooka
    t_motooka almost 10 years
    @Titanium This <meta> trick works fine for the mail app on iOS 7.1.2. Just insert <meta> tag into the <head> tag in your HTML mail. Please note that we cannot apply this trick to text/plain based mails.
  • jww
    jww almost 10 years
    The question is about suppressing detection of phone numbers, not mailing addresses.
  • jww
    jww almost 10 years
    The question is about link detection on telephone numbers, not editing them.
  • Holger
    Holger over 9 years
    This is also the fix I ended up using and it work very well and is quite simple.
  • Simon Darby
    Simon Darby over 9 years
    This works for me in HTML email. I only wanted to disable one phone number, not all. I just added the style="text-decoration:none;" to the tag with the color to match the rest of the text, and you could change the cursor style too.
  • Radek Pech
    Radek Pech over 9 years
    You don't need images, just put any HTML inside the number: <p>Not a phone: 112<span>34</span>56</p>
  • stephanfriedrich
    stephanfriedrich over 9 years
    This isnt a good Answer, because you generate willful bad HTML.
  • jpostdesign
    jpostdesign about 9 years
    Can this be applied on a case by case basis? For example, 1 number string on a page I don't want to be interpreted as a phone number, but keep the behavior for 6 others on a page that I do want to be automatically interpreted as a phone number?
  • BoffinBrain
    BoffinBrain almost 9 years
    @jpostdesign Since it's a meta tag, it applies on a per-page basis. Unless all the pages on your site share a common header and footer, it should be trivial to add the meta tag to just one page.
  • sulaiman sudirman
    sulaiman sudirman over 8 years
    Thanks. This works on ionic as well, put it in index page.
  • HelpNeeder
    HelpNeeder over 8 years
    @Geert, set line-height and font-size to zero.
  • mikevoermans
    mikevoermans about 8 years
    Great solution where you want to restrict styling/formatting in very specific location.
  • Jonah
    Jonah about 8 years
    For accessibility (like text reader mentioned above), or if the user copy/pastes into the phone app, this just breaks things. Also, in general if a spider from Yelp or Google or the like is indexing a business, and pulls the wrong phone number, that's no good.
  • vinboxx
    vinboxx about 8 years
    This works for me. I just add it before the first number.
  • Nick
    Nick about 7 years
    I created an HTML email signature and this was the only solution that helped to prevent iOS 10 mail from falsely detecting a (non-phone) number as a phone number.
  • greaterKing
    greaterKing almost 7 years
    This helped me when needed to still use the default iOS styling and actions but ignore specific elements.
  • Ain Tohvri
    Ain Tohvri over 6 years
    Neat solution. Worked fine on iPhone 6S(+)/iOS 9.
  • Arnie
    Arnie over 6 years
    Works for me :)
  • nathanbirrell
    nathanbirrell over 6 years
    Works well, also works for React Native WebView components (which are basically Safari wrappers I suppose anyway)
  • Mark Reinhold
    Mark Reinhold over 6 years
    This is the only workable solution if you're asking Mobile Safari to load an XML file that uses an <?xml-stylesheet> directive to generate the HTML page. Mobile Safari converts any long number in the original XML into a "tel:" link, even though the source isn't HTML (!).
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    Works like a charm. Thanks a lot ^_^
  • Daan
    Daan almost 6 years
    You might want to mention that this is a workaround.
  • Nosajimiki
    Nosajimiki over 5 years
    In some cases you may have a phone number on a website where you need to perform some other operation than making a phone-call like pulling up an option to edit it, or the ability to click-and-drag it to somewhere else.
  • jahller
    jahller over 5 years
    he does not want to have ip addresses linked as phone numbers
  • Matt Komarnicki
    Matt Komarnicki about 5 years
    This works perfectly fine under IOS 12 in 2019! 👍🏻
  • JKM
    JKM over 4 years
    AWESOME: zero-width joiner &zwj; This is the best solution fo random numbers that are getting converted to phone numbers! So for example, if you have 345 456 789 - which you want to NOT be a phone number... &zwj;345&zwj;456&zwj;789
  • Zaya
    Zaya about 4 years
    Great! Thank you.
  • user3615851
    user3615851 over 3 years
    This worked for me when Safari was adding link styles to random numbers in the same div. Set everything to inherit for the tel element
  • Danny
    Danny over 3 years
    Best solution for one-off cases. For example: when Safari thinks a certain element is a phone number and it isn't, but you don't want to override all other instances of phone numbers on the page.
  • jsmars
    jsmars over 3 years
    This worked great for me for some hidden javascript numbers I needed that safari was interpreting as phone numbers, thanks!
  • kmgdev
    kmgdev about 3 years
    This is the best solution, IMO, since it doesn't require making any modifications to the HTML.
  • Nguyen Van Vinh
    Nguyen Van Vinh almost 3 years
    Thank you. Applied for Brave Browser on iOS
  • 2540625
    2540625 almost 3 years
    This works for Safari—but what’s the fix for Chrome and Firefox?
    OZZIE almost 3 years
    doesn't work in iOs 14 and 13 at least not when it's not a link