How to disable server-side caching on IIS 7.5 (asp net mvc3)


Solution 1

If you are speaking to static types such as images and such you can add this to your web.config

  <clientCache cacheControlMode="DisableCache"/>


Here is a link

This link talks in detail about what you want to do.

Solution 2

As Rick said, you need to profile this first. A quick test though would be to implement a no-cache controller as I outlined here: Disable browser cache for entire ASP.NET website

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • troebr
    troebr about 2 years

    I'm struggling with my IIS setup regarding caching, here's a brief description of my problem:

    I'm making a site for mobile and non-mobile, sharing the same controllers. IE: mysite/page will serve either mysite/page.cshtml, or mysite/M/page.cshtml, depending on the device.

    Here's the catch, it worked fine with my local and integration environment (cassiini and iis 6), but on another machine (2008r2/iis 7.5), apparently there is an aggressive server-side caching policy:

    • If I access the website from a desktop machine, I have the correct pages (desktop version)
    • If now I use my mobile phone to access the site, I will have the desktop version, (which implies a server-side cache, my phone is not using the same network).

    On the contrary, if I were to restart the server and access the site using my phone first, then I will get the mobile version on my desktop (only for the pages I already visited of course).

    I tried 2 solutions so far:

    Disabling OutputCache from my Web.config:

      <remove name="OutputCache" />

    And unchecking "Enable output cache" in "Output Caching" for my site in IIS.

    What's bugging me is that I do not have this problem with my other server (iis 6.0), although caching is enabled on this one, which leads me to think it is related to iis 7 caching addition.

    My question is simple: how does one disable server-side caching on IIS 7.5?

    Thanks in advance for your iis lights!

    Found it!

    Sorry guys you could not really guess that one, I extend RazorViewEngine (actually I used a sample mobile mvc3 template app), and this class overrides FindView, it is supposed to take into account a useCache parameter, but apparently no matter how I configure IIS, it was set to true with iis7. I set it to false everywhere. I'll look into appropriate tuning of that parameter tomorrow.

    public override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache)

    Thanks for your help guys, I have a good understanding of all the caching possibilities with IIS now ;). It's interesting that this behaves differently with IIS 7.0 (IIS6 and Cassiini were consistent).


    More info: , it is related to debug/release working of FindView.

    This was my exact problem: