How to display html content on UIWebView IOS

  1. Check if your UIWebView has the right size. It seems to be bigger than the screen.

  2. Place a \ before any " in your hard-coded string. e.g.:

    NSString *testString="This is a \"Test\"";

    results in

    This is a "Test"

Hope this helps

Mord Fustang
Author by

Mord Fustang

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Mord Fustang
    Mord Fustang almost 2 years

    I have a form sheet segue that should display hard-coded html page. Now I have a two part problem first problem is

     <CENTER><H1>A Simple Sample Web Page</H1><H4>By Frodo</H4>
    <H2>Demonstrating a few HTML features</H2></CENTER>

    is displayed like

    enter image description here

    I can change <CENTER>tag to <left> in that case it works but it limits my options. How can I display this content In the middle of the screen without alignment issues?

    Second part of the question is How can I embed a color or a link to content. On line ""FFFFFF">\n" I get the error that says Expected ':' and on line "<a href="">\n" Half of the line is green which is seems like comment on the screen that means it will not executed by XCode

    My full code is like :

    - (void) createWebViewWithHTML{
        //create the string
        NSMutableString *html = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"<html><head><title></title></head><body style=\"background:transparent;\">"];
        //continue building the string
        [html appendString:@"<BODY BGCOLOR="
         "<CENTER><IMG SRC="clouds.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM">
         "</CENTER> \n"
         "<a href="">\n"
         "Link Name</a>\n"
         "is a link to another nifty site\n"
         "<H1>This is a Header</H1>\n"
         "<H2>This is a Medium Header</H2>\n"
         "Send me mail at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">\n"
         "[email protected]</a>.\n"
         "<P> This is a new paragraph!\n"
         "<P> <B>This is a new paragraph!</B>\n"
         "<BR> <B><I>This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.</I></B>\n"
        [html appendString:@"</body></html>"];
        //instantiate the web view
        webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
        //make the background transparent
        [webView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        //pass the string to the webview
        [webView loadHTMLString:[html description] baseURL:nil];
        //add it to the subview
        [self.view addSubview:webView];

    Edit:: Added story board picture

    enter image description here

    So how can I make correct alignment and embed color/link correctly?