How to display Tooltip on GridView Row Hover


Try it like this...

protected void GridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        //use this way
        e.Row.ToolTip = "My FooBar tooltip";
         //or use this way
        e.Row.Attributes.Add("title", "My FooBar tooltip");

This will show tooltip for entire row..If you need to show on a particular control then find that control and set is Tooltip attribute to your own title...

Krishna Thota
Author by

Krishna Thota

I'm a .Net Developer Working in Hyderabad. I have Knowledge on .NET, SQL Server, and other .Net Extensions

Updated on April 03, 2020


  • Krishna Thota
    Krishna Thota about 4 years

    I need to show a tooltip when mouse is placed on GridView Row (onmouseover) I need to set the Tooltip content Dynamically in GridView_RowData

    How can I Do this??

    Can I Do this in e.Row.Attributes.Add(... ??