How to do exponentiation in clojure?


Solution 1

classic recursion (watch this, it blows stack)

(defn exp [x n]
     (if (zero? n) 1
         (* x (exp x (dec n)))))

tail recursion

(defn exp [x n]
  (loop [acc 1 n n]
    (if (zero? n) acc
        (recur (* x acc) (dec n)))))


(defn exp [x n]
  (reduce * (repeat n x)))

sneaky (also blows stack, but not so easily)

(defn exp-s [x n]
  (let [square (fn[x] (* x x))]
    (cond (zero? n) 1
          (even? n) (square (exp-s x (/ n 2)))
          :else (* x (exp-s x (dec n))))))


(require 'clojure.contrib.math)

Solution 2

Clojure has a power function that works well: I'd recommend using this rather than going via Java interop since it handles all the Clojure arbitrary-precision number types correctly. It is in namespace clojure.math.numeric-tower.

It's called expt for exponentiation rather than power or pow which maybe explains why it's a bit hard to find ... anyway here's a small example (note that use works but better use require):

(require '[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math :refer [expt]])  ; as of Clojure 1.3
;; (use 'clojure.contrib.math)     ; before Clojure 1.3
(expt 2 200)
=> 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376

Reminder about package installation

You must first install the Java package org.clojure.math.numeric-tower to make the Clojure namespace clojure.math.numeric-tower accessible!

On the command line:

$ lein new my-example-project
$ cd lein new my-example-project

Then edit project.clj and add [org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.4"] to the dependencies vector.

Start a lein REPL (not a clojure REPL)

$ lein repl


(require '[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math])
(math/expt 4 2)
;=> 16


(require '[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math :refer [expt]])
(expt 4 2)
;=> 16

Solution 3

You can use java's Math.pow or BigInteger.pow methods:

(Math/pow base exponent)

(.pow (bigdec base) exponent)

Solution 4

When this question was originally asked, clojure.contrib.math/expt was the official library function to do this. Since then, it has moved to clojure.math.numeric-tower

Solution 5

user=> (.pow (BigInteger. "2") 10)
user=> (.pow (BigInteger. "2") 100)
Author by


SOreadytohelp Make everything as simple as possible.. (but not simpler!) Albert Einstein The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it. Friedrich Nietzsche

Updated on October 29, 2021


  • Peter
    Peter over 2 years

    How can I do exponentiation in clojure? For now I'm only needing integer exponentiation, but the question goes for fractions too.

  • Peter
    Peter about 13 years
    +1, though I know you can interop with java libs; however, 1) Math.pow works with doubles, I need Integers, can you give an example? 2) Do you really have to use interop for sth. simple as powers?
  • DaVinci
    DaVinci about 13 years
    Clojure is built arround the java libraries, it does not attempt to fix what is not broken and Math/pow works just fine. Why do you need to care for doubles or integers? You could also use this…
  • sepp2k
    sepp2k about 13 years
    @Peter: 1) Unless your powers are so large that they can't be accurately represented by doubles anymore, there really is no problem with just casting the result to int. 2) I don't see how writing Math/pow is more complicated than math-pow or whatever the name would be if there was a clojure equivalent. If there already is a simple java method that does what you want, there is no reason to recreate the functionality in clojure. Java interop is not inherently harmful.
  • Peter
    Peter about 13 years
    @Da vinci : strange remark, it's a language of it's own, and has a lot of functions that are in Java (like stringreverse)
  • Peter
    Peter about 13 years
    @sepp : It is indeed about big nummers (project euler like stuff)
  • sepp2k
    sepp2k about 13 years
    @Peter: For bigints you can use java's BigInteger.pow instance method.
  • mikera
    mikera about 13 years
    +1 for this answer since it handles all the Clojure exact (i.e. BigDecimal / BigInteger) arithmetic correctly.
  • mikera
    mikera about 13 years
    I think you are better using Clojure's clojure.contrib.math/expt if you want accurate biginteger powers. Probably does the same under the hood but much nicer than going via Java interop.....
  • TJ Trapp
    TJ Trapp over 12 years
    but seems to max out at 2^63... def not capable of 2^200
  • user1568901
    user1568901 over 12 years
    Probably unknown because it doesn't appear to be part of standard Clojure. 1.3.0 tosses errors about not being able to locate the math.clj when I try to do it this way.
  • mikera
    mikera over 12 years
    I think it's now in "clojure.math.numeric-tower" as of 1.3 (since clojure.contrib got broken up into individual libraries)
  • noisesmith
    noisesmith over 10 years
    also you can use the literal notation for this: (.pow 2M 100)
  • KIM Taegyoon
    KIM Taegyoon over 10 years
    Their types are different. user=> (type 2M) java.math.BigDecimal user=> (type (BigInteger. "2")) java.math.BigInteger
  • Karl Rosaen
    Karl Rosaen about 10 years
    see fully iterative version of sneaky solution below
  • Brad Koch
    Brad Koch almost 10 years
  • Brad Koch
    Brad Koch almost 10 years
  • Daniel Gruszczyk
    Daniel Gruszczyk almost 10 years
    imo best solution, showr, using existing libraries, and including handling of bigint. +1
  • Zaz
    Zaz over 8 years
    For me (Math/pow Math/E x) does the trick (replacing Math/E with the base of your choice).
  • alvaro g
    alvaro g about 8 years
    Clojure.contrib.math is now deprecated, see Math.Numeric-Tower
  • Pointo Senshi
    Pointo Senshi over 7 years
    The second suggestion (tail recursive) has integer overflow for n < 0.
  • Daniel Szmulewicz
    Daniel Szmulewicz over 7 years
    Fantastic answer. Here's how to do with it with a macro: (defmacro exp [x n] `(* ~@(take n (repeat x))))
  • loxaxs
    loxaxs about 6 years
    Terminal recursion for the fast exponentiation algorithm: (def exp (letfn [(rexp [x n r] (cond (zero? n) r (even? n) (recur (*' x x) (/ n 2) r) :else (recur (*' x x) (/ (dec n) 2) (*' x r))))] (fn [x n] (rexp x n 1)))). It never blows the stack. Test (exp 1 (exp 2 30000))
  • johncip
    johncip almost 5 years
    I'm getting No matching method pow ... for class clojure.lang.BigInt -- shouldn't it be (.pow (biginteger base) exponent)?
  • Andrew Koster
    Andrew Koster over 4 years
    None of the answers that involve importing an existing function work (including the (require 'clojure.contrib.math) in this answer). But (defn exp [x n] (reduce * (repeat n x))) works great, and is easy to understand!
  • David Tonhofer
    David Tonhofer about 4 years
    Clojure has no "tail recursion" (or rather, "tail-call optimization") because Java does have it. A loop, however, is a loop.
  • David Tonhofer
    David Tonhofer about 4 years
    Added "reminder about package installation" to allay user frustration.