How to draw a circle split in 10 slices?


Solution 1

Using Excel 2010

Enter in equal values in Column A. The number of rows entered will determine how many partitions your circle will have.


From the Insert tab, create a 2D pie chart with the cells selected (A1 through A10):


You will now have a circle cut into 10 slices, where you can then modify the color arrangements to meet your needs:

enter image description here

Solution 2

Copy and Paste the data to an Excel Worksheet or write the data manually. Select all the data as shown. Select Insert->2-D Pie and the Pie will be shown. Choose the style that you like from Chart Design->Chart Style menu by selecting previously inserted 2-D Pie. Chart statistics data used to demonstrate this example is taken from:

You can also customize the degrees for each pie to your wish.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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enter image description here

So you can have 10, 36 degrees pie slices also. Here's the picture:

10, 36 degrees pie slices


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George D
Author by

George D

Getting things done at scale. profile for Cristi Diaconescu on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • George D
    George D over 1 year

    I'd like to draw and print a circle that's split in 10 slices (like a clock, but with 10 hours instead of 12 - 10 slices of 36 degrees each).

    Can you recommend how to do this easily using (windows) software (preferably something that's not very esoteric)?

    • Vladimir Oselsky
      Vladimir Oselsky over 10 years
      You could do it in excel with Pie Chart but I'm not really sure what is that you are after.
    • CharlieRB
      CharlieRB over 10 years
      What have you already tried?
    • George D
      George D over 10 years
      Inkscape, but it was a bit overwhelming.
  • George D
    George D over 10 years
    This didn't help broaden my horizons in handling vector image software :-P ... but did the job in an instant!
  • George D
    George D about 4 years
    +1 for the effort. I have no idea what I was trying to do 6 years ago with this circle :)