How to drop and create new repositories with a subversion server?


Solution 1

To delete the project repository, just delete the folder from the server, then do svnadmin create again.

Will is right, I didn't read the password sentence correctly. Checking out and deleting won't help with the security concerns. When in doubt, follow the book or check CMS's link.

Solution 2

You can remove the file and purge all its history, and then re-import it clean.

Check this from the SVN FAQ:

How do I completely remove a file from the repository's history?

Author by


I have been a senior developer with a focus on architecture, simplicity, and building effective teams for over ten years. As a director at Surge consulting I was involved in many operational duties and decisions and - in addition to software development duties - designed and implemented an interview processes and was involved in community building that saw it grow from 20 to about 350 developers and through an acquisition. I was then CTO setting up a dev shop at working closely with graduates of a coding bootcamp on both project work and helping them establish careers in the industry. Currently a Director of Engineering at your search engine for finding social services. I speak at conferences, have mentored dozens of software devs, have written popular articles, and been interviewed for a variety of podcasts and publications. I suppose that makes me an industry leader. I'm particularly interesting in companies that allow remote work and can check one or more of the following boxes: Product companies that help people in a non-trite manner (eg I'm not super interested in the next greatest way to get food delivered) Product companies that make developer or productivity tooling Funded startups that need a technical co-founder Functional programming (especially Clojure or Elixir) Companies trying to do something interesting with WebAssembly

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Abhishek
    Abhishek about 2 years

    Ok so I just did something boneheaded.

    I'm setting up a subversion server for the first time ever that will be used by contractors. I did the 1 click setup, created my project and did my first check in of our application thinking that I'll go through later and remove the password information in the connection string in the configuration file.


    So now I need to delete that project within the repository and create it again so I can do the checkin this time without the password. Looking through the options for svnadmin help I don't see any options for deleting a repository.

    How do I do this? Easy points here!