How to enable Google Play App Signing


Solution 1

Before proceeding watch this Android Developers video to understand the implications of your App Signing enrollment choice:

This guide is oriented to developers who already have an application in the Play Store. If you are starting with a new app the process it's much easier and you can follow the guidelines of paragraph "New apps" from here

Prerequisites that 99% of developers already have :

  1. Android Studio

  2. JDK 8 and after installation you need to setup an environment variable in your user space to simplify terminal commands. In Windows x64 you need to add this : C:\Program Files\Java\{JDK_VERSION}\bin to the Path environment variable. (If you don't know how to do this you can read my guide to add a folder to the Windows 10 Path environment variable).

Step 0: Open Google Play developer console, then go to Release Management -> App Signing.

enter image description here

Accept the App Signing TOS.

enter image description here

Step 1: Download PEPK Tool clicking the button identical to the image below

enter image description here

Step 2: Open a terminal and type:



  • PATH_TO_PEPK = Path to the pepk.jar you downloaded in Step 1, could be something like C:\Users\YourName\Downloads\pepk.jar for Windows users.
  • PATH_TO_KEYSTORE = Path to keystore which you use to sign your release APK. Could be a file of type *.keystore or *.jks or without extension. Something like C:\Android\mykeystore or C:\Android\mykeystore.keystore etc...
  • ALIAS_YOU_USE_TO_SIGN_APK = The name of the alias you use to sign the release APK.
  • PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE = The path of the output file with .pem extension, something like C:\Android\private_key.pem
  • GOOGLE_ENCRYPTION_KEY = This encryption key should be always the same. You can find it in the App Signing page, copy and paste it. Should be in this form: eb10fe8f7c7c9df715022017b00c6471f8ba8170b13049a11e6c09ffe3056a104a3bbe4ac5a955f4ba4fe93fc8cef27558a3eb9d2a529a2092761fb833b656cd48b9de6a


java -jar "C:\Users\YourName\Downloads\pepk.jar" --keystore="C:\Android\mykeystore" --alias=myalias --output="C:\Android\private_key.pem" --encryptionkey=eb10fe8f7c7c9df715022017b00c6471f8ba8170b13049a11e6c09ffe3056a104a3bbe4ac5a955f4ba4fe93fc8cef27558a3eb9d2a529a2092761fb833b656cd48b9de6a

Press Enter and you will need to provide in order:

  1. The keystore password
  2. The alias password

If everything has gone OK, you now will have a file in PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE folder called private_key.pem.

Step 3: Upload the private_key.pem file clicking the button identical to the image below

enter image description here

Step 4: Create a new keystore file using Android Studio.


Open one of your Android projects (choose one at random). Go to Build -> Generate Signed APK and press Create new.

enter image description here

Now you should fill the required fields.

Key store path represent the new keystore you will create, choose a folder and a name using the 3 dots icon on the right, i choosed C:\Android\upload_key.jks (.jks extension will be added automatically)

NOTE: I used upload as the new alias name but if you previously used the same keystore with different aliases to sign different apps, you should choose the same aliases name you had previously in the original keystore.

enter image description here

Press OK when finished, and now you will have a new upload_key.jks keystore. You can close Android Studio now.

Step 5: We need to extract the upload certificate from the newly created upload_key.jks keystore. Open a terminal and type:

keytool -export -rfc -keystore UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_PATH -alias UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS -file PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE


  • UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_PATH = The path of the upload keystore you just created. In this case was C:\Android\upload_key.jks.
  • UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS = The new alias associated with the upload keystore. In this case was upload.
  • PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE = The path to the output file with .pem extension. Something like C:\Android\upload_key_public_certificate.pem.


keytool -export -rfc -keystore "C:\Android\upload_key.jks" -alias upload -file "C:\Android\upload_key_public_certificate.pem"

Press Enter and you will need to provide the keystore password.

Now if everything has gone OK, you will have a file in the folder PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE called upload_key_public_certificate.pem.

Step 6: Upload the upload_key_public_certificate.pem file clicking the button identical to the image below

enter image description here

Step 7: Click ENROLL button at the end of the App Signing page.

enter image description here

Now every new release APK must be signed with the upload_key.jks keystore and aliases created in Step 4, prior to be uploaded in the Google Play Developer console.

More Resources:


Q: When i upload the APK signed with the new upload_key keystore, Google Play show an error like : You uploaded an unsigned APK. You need to create a signed APK.

A: Check to sign the APK with both signatures (V1 and V2) while building the release APK. Read here for more details.


The step 4,5,6 are to create upload key which is optional for existing apps

"Upload key (optional for existing apps): A new key you generate during your enrollment in the program. You will use the upload key to sign all future APKs prior to uploading them to the Play Console."

Solution 2

There is a much simpler solution that will take a minute.

  1. In google play console, select Release management -> App signing
  2. Choose the first option, the one with Generate encrypted private key with Android Studio (or something like that; I cannot turn back to see that page anymore)
  3. In Android Studio generate your Android App Bundle (.aab file) from Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK..., choose Android App Bundle option and don't forget to check Export Encrypted key (needed to enroll your app Google Play App signing) option. If you do not have a keystore generated, generate one ad-hoc.
  4. Now the "tricky" part. After the .aab is generated, Android Studio will pop up a notification in the bottom right corner containing a path to the location where the .aab file is saved. In the same notification, if you will expand it you will find another link to the path where the private key was saved (called private_key.pepk). If you miss this notification, don't worry, just open Event Log window by clicking the Event Log button on the bottom right side and you will find the same info. Open that location.For me was C:\Users\yourUser\.android

enter image description here

  1. Go back in browser and press APP SIGNING PRIVATE KEY button and browse to the private key location on your computer.


Now you are able to upload your release that you generated earlier :) Good luck!

Solution 3

While Migrating Android application package file (APK) to Android App Bundle (AAB), publishing app into Play Store i faced this issue and got resolved like this below...

When building .aab file you get prompted for the location to store key export path as below:

enter image description here
enter image description here In second image you find Encrypted key export path Location where our .pepk will store in the specific folder while generating .aab file.

Once you log in to the Google Play Console with play store credential: select your project from left side choose App Signing option Release Management>>App Signing enter image description here

you will find the Google App Signing Certification window ACCEPT it.

After that you will find three radio button select **

Upload a key exported from Android Studio radio button

**, it will expand you APP SIGNING PRIVATE KEY button as below

enter image description here

click on the button and choose the .pepk file (We Stored while generating .aab file as above)

Read the all other option and submit.

Once Successfully you can go back to app release and browse the .aab file and complete RollOut...


Solution 4

I had to do following:

  1. Create an app in google play console enter image description here

2.Go to App releases -> Manage production -> Create release

3.Click continue on Google Play App Signing enter image description here

4.Create upload certificate by running "keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:\path\to\cert.keystore -alias uploadKey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000"

5.Sign your apk with generated certificate (c:\path\to\cert.keystore)

6.Upload signed apk in App releases -> Manage production -> Edit release

7.By uploading apk, certificate generated in step 4 has been added to App Signing certificates and became your signing cert for all future builds.

Solution 5

for Updated Google Console go to inside Setup and open App integrity. and upload your key here. you will be good to go.

screen shot for updated google console

Author by


Hi to all :) I'm trying my best to learn something new everyday and help other developers when possible. Author of: Gradle 3.0 Compile VS Implementation the easy introduction How to enable the new Google App Signing step-by-step guide ClickDrawableTextView Android library. To add listeners for drawables click events on TextView/EditText/AutoCompleteTextView widgets “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” - Linus Torvalds.

Updated on July 29, 2021


  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 3 years

    I think a lot of developers are trying to learn more about the new Google Play App Signing feature presented at Google I/O 2017.

    The ability to store the keystore to sign the apps inside Google Play save you the effort to safely store the keystore and can help the system to optimize the APKs served to every device, based on hardware and OS characteristics.

    You can read more about this topic in the official documentation here :

    With the following answer, i will explain a bit better the steps you need to follow to upload your original keystore and how to create the new upload keystore, which you will need to sign your APK from this point onwards.

  • NukeouT
    NukeouT about 7 years
    Your walkthrough is super helpful! They should put it on the official website lol The pathnames for your examples are missing " _ " quotes which will throw an error on W10 Console
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    The quotes are needed only if you have at least one space inside your paths, but this is the way every console command works. So you have to use the quotes if your path is: "C:\My Path\MyName" but not if the path is C:\MyPath\MyName. Btw thank you :)
  • Admin
    Admin about 7 years
    Finally worked but you should create new jsk (you canot use the old one)or google play will refuse rolling, thank you very much
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @layth Creating the new keystore is the Step 4 of the guide :D
  • NukeouT
    NukeouT about 7 years
    It was not clear from the description but in the step where youre making the new keystore you need to select the last used GooglePlay keystore and enter its password. Also the alias cant be the same as the one used by those old keystores ... so I added "app" to the end :)
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @NukeouT No, you don't need the old keystore and the password in Step 4. You simply have to click on Create New, and the new keystore prompt will appear. I've updated the documentation to make this step a bit clearer even if i think it was already
  • NukeouT
    NukeouT about 7 years
    I did that but when I got your new keystore dialog its keystore path and password fields were blank so I pointed them at the old keystore and entered its old password - btw currently stuck on "keytool -export -rfc -keystore UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_PATH -alias UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS -file PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE" keeps complaining that it does not know what keytool means. I tried adding "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\keytool.exe" but that did not work, possibly because I dont know where to put it in exactly..
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    You have to put it in the Windows Path environment variable (i think i will create a guide on this too, because a lot of guide on the net are outdated)
  • NukeouT
    NukeouT about 7 years
    Ok. Ty ill stay up and wait for it. Btw the new key worked once I typed in your file name + .jks and repeated the same new password 4 times
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    I've updated all the documentation, now i added some words on how to let the system create the upload_key.jks. Thank you for pointing this out, now the Step 4 should be easier for everyone. I will make the guide on how to add the JDK to Path EV for Windows 10 tonight when i go home
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @NukeouT i've create the guide to add a folder to the Windows 10 Path here let me know if this works for you or if you encounter any problems (obviously you need to substitute the example folder with the bin folder of your JDK)
  • NukeouT
    NukeouT about 7 years
    I set the variable name as keytool and the variable value as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\keytool.exe but it still says on execution it does not know what keytool is :(
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    I said in the guide on how to configure the environment variable that you should add the folder and not the specific tool. So remove keytool.exe from the path. (Keytool is a Java utility, it's extension is .jar not .exe)
  • Andrea Motto
    Andrea Motto about 7 years
    It looks like Google changed the procedure, because I can't find PEPK Tool anymore.
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @AndreaMotto i've just re-checked the procedure now with another developer account not already subscribed to the Google App Signing and downloading the PEPK Tool it's the first Step to perform yet. I suggest you to double check everything
  • Andrea Motto
    Andrea Motto about 7 years
    @MatPag you're right. I have created a new app, that's why the procedure is different. I can find PEPK Tool in my old app.
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @AndreaMotto The new apps need to follow the link i added on the first lines of the answer ;)
  • Jakub S.
    Jakub S. about 7 years
    Also you may have problem with your PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE I recommend you to use 1. " " example "D:\My_key.pem" 2. and also don't try do it on C:\ (where you have windows). When i try on C i always get an error(maybe need permisions). Than i tried to do it with quotes and disc E and it work fine.
  • MatPag
    MatPag about 7 years
    @JacktheRipper It works fine on C:\ too, Windows is inside the C:\Windows folder and not in C:\ root folder. For the quotes read the second comment
  • Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
    Adriano dos Santos Fernandes almost 7 years
    I'm writting a new app, I opt for google signin, they deliver two pem certificates. I created a local jks ans signed my app and upload. Obviously, they rejected saying the fingerprints don't match. But I see no way to register or download a "upload key". What am I missing?
  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 7 years
    @AdrianodosSantosFernandes read the first 3 lines of the guide. For new apps the steps are different
  • Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
    Adriano dos Santos Fernandes almost 7 years
    I read it. Maybe I'm now figured out the key thing: the upload key of an app will be the key used to sign the first apk uploaded? Is it correct?
  • akbas
    akbas almost 7 years
    Thanks for the detailed walkthrough! I have multiple apps signed with the same key. Some of the apps are in one account, and the rest in a different one. Can I enable this only for one of the app in an account? Will I still be able to update the rest of the apps as usual?
  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 7 years
    @akbas Yes, this is enabled per app not per account ;)
  • Shailesh
    Shailesh almost 7 years
    @MatPag i can no longer find the link to pepk tool, has the documentation changed? All i see in in App Signing screen is bunch of certificates
  • sam9046
    sam9046 almost 7 years
    @MatPag Might be a stupid question, but once Google are managing the App signing key, can I delete it? I'm guessing it's redundant as Google are now signing all future apps and I will only be signing with an upload key
  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 7 years
    @sam9046 "theorically" you could delete the signing key after you have been enrolled with the Google App signing. Practically. Practically i don't have the right answer for this :D
  • Sebin Benjamin
    Sebin Benjamin over 6 years
    @MatPag pepk tool is missing for new apps. Any official updates?
  • MatPag
    MatPag over 6 years
    @SebinBenjamin You don't need the PEPK tool for new apps. Read the first 3 lines of this guide please.
  • Sebin Benjamin
    Sebin Benjamin over 6 years
    @MatPag sorry..missed it.
  • Jared
    Jared over 6 years
    In case anybody gets an error saying Error: Could not find or load main class, that just means you forgot to add -jar in your command. It's an easy fix, but it wasn't until I read MattPag's thorough explanation that I noticed my error.
  • Irfandi D. Vendy
    Irfandi D. Vendy over 6 years
    Why my "APP SIGNING PRIVATE KEY" is disabled??
  • Raghudevan Shankar
    Raghudevan Shankar over 6 years
    I did exactly this but the google signin from my app does not work if I install the app via the Google Play Store. *But* if I download the apk from the release management page and install it manually into my emulator / device, it works. Any idea what I'm missing?
  • msmukesh4
    msmukesh4 over 6 years
    the account owner needs to accept the terms and conditions. See above step one in this answer. Once the terms and conditions are accepted APP SIGNING PRIVATE KEY will be enabled to upload.
  • Siddharth
    Siddharth over 6 years
    After this can I able to test in app purchase and play services as like before? Did you get any experience regarding this? Because even I don't like to do any heavy steps.
  • Dhaval Jotaniya
    Dhaval Jotaniya about 6 years
    after entering both passwords its show error like - error:F\foldername
  • Michael Bruce
    Michael Bruce about 6 years
    Cant find this pepk file anywhere.
  • PrasadW
    PrasadW about 6 years
    So, if Google App Signing is enabled, you don't need the keystore to update the app, right?
  • Aydinozkan
    Aydinozkan almost 6 years
    Great job about the Walkthrough, it's really simple and straight forward. Thank you. I've a question; "Is it still possible to sign the apk with the original keystore(Which has been used before Google App Signing) after applying to Google App Signing?"
  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 6 years
    @Aydinozkan thank you 👍no you can't sign the apk with the old keystore
  • Aydinozkan
    Aydinozkan almost 6 years
    @MatPag I was previously signing my APK with a p12 file. After activating Google App Signing I am still able to sign the APK with the previous p12 and I can upload it to Google Play Console as a release version.
  • MatPag
    MatPag almost 6 years
    @Aydinozkan Are you sure you completed the Google app Signing process? That's really strange
  • Aydinozkan
    Aydinozkan almost 6 years
    @MatPag yes I did, I'm sure because I'm able to see the fingerprints of both App Signing and Upload Certificates and I can sign my apk with the newly created Upload keystore and upload it to Google Play Console. I've contacted Google Play Customer Service about this issue, I will comment again at this post if we achieve any progress.
  • Aydinozkan
    Aydinozkan almost 6 years
    @MatPag I've contacted Google about the issue. They have remarked that, there is no problem with signing the APK both with the old p12 certificate or with the newly created upload keystore. Both will be applicable to sign the APK.
  • petrosmm
    petrosmm over 5 years
    Can someone please clarify, I read that if you lose your signingkey/keystore or forget it's password you can no longer update the app, you were signing, is this no longer true???
  • Ben Madsen
    Ben Madsen over 5 years
    Not really an appropriate answer for "How to Enable Google Play App Signing"...
  • Pratik Saluja
    Pratik Saluja over 5 years
    This Doc should get more and more up-votes. I am not able to find GOOGLE_ENCRYPTION_KEY in App Signing Page
  • Bruno Pinto
    Bruno Pinto over 5 years
    I've just uploaded the old jks encrypted. And that's it. No new jks creation, and I have no idea what the upload key means now. I'm try to upload a new apk, signed like before this process and it's works fine. I'm afraid when I really need to send a new apk to the store and get blocked.
  • Gokhan Arik
    Gokhan Arik over 5 years
    Bold capital DON'T USE type of comments is dangerous. Can you explain the issue and recommended solution in detail? Isn't there a solution at all? Is it so hard to sign an APK twice for Fabric?
  • thanhbinh84
    thanhbinh84 over 5 years
    It seems step 4,5,6 are optional, I can enroll after step 3 and enable to upload aab file just fine. Just use the old key store to sign app as usual.
  • MatPag
    MatPag over 5 years
    @thanhbinh84 thanks for the edit. They changed something with the latest updates. I'll try to update the tutorial accordingly when i have time :)
  • mtrakal
    mtrakal over 5 years
    I'ts not so hard to sign APK twice, but as I describe, you must build two (or more) APKs which are not identical (so you are testing on Fabric Beta different file than which will be published to Play Store). It loose point of testing production build on beta testers... you are testing another file :). It's just a warning for people which have some complex CI/CD that they must chnage it...
  • thanhbinh84
    thanhbinh84 over 5 years
    @MatPag your tutorial is still valid, just want to add more info that the second key store is optional and called upload key. Thanks for the tutorial, it is much clearer than google guide. :D
  • Pierre
    Pierre over 5 years
    Note that Google Play now accepts APKs signed with the production key even after enrolling in App signing.
  • iyepes
    iyepes over 5 years
    If you created the Keystore using Visual Studio Xamarin the keystore password and the alias password are the same. I just find out by trial and error.
  • Odai A. Ali
    Odai A. Ali over 5 years
    you have fantastic fully complete answer,But in my case i need to know how to generate Facebook key hash from already published App with app signing certificate having only the deployment_cert.der file ,thank you in advance.
  • Jarvis
    Jarvis over 5 years
    I am not getting this option Export Encrypted key (needed to enroll your app Google Play App signing) option.
  • androidneil
    androidneil almost 5 years
    I would really appreciate a fuller explanation of point 5 - I don't see this button, where is it, perhaps the layout has changed on recent updates?
  • Sunil Chaudhary
    Sunil Chaudhary over 4 years
    ok nice now i want to curious about that on the next update what to do ?? like is we need .pepk key again or we have to sign the version 2 using same key or the new private .pepk key pls help
  • Sunil Chaudhary
    Sunil Chaudhary over 4 years
    ok nice now i want to curious about that on the next update what to do ?? like is we need .pepk key again or we have to sign the version 2 using same key or the new private .pepk key pls help
  • Ambilpura Sunil Kumar
    Ambilpura Sunil Kumar over 4 years
    As per my understanding, no need to create for next time, u can use old .pepk key....
  • nt95
    nt95 over 4 years
    How do you use the .pepk for an update? I successfully used google app signing when uploading my app, but now im trying to push an update and don't know how @AmbilpuraSunilKumar
  • Julian Eggers
    Julian Eggers over 4 years
    Same here. I just upload the abb to the play store and completely ignore the .pepk file. It would be nice to know what exactly it is good for and what to do when updating the app.
  • Mr R
    Mr R over 3 years
    how about incorporating this into the appropriate original answer OR is this a replacement?
  • sonjz
    sonjz about 3 years
    Does anyone know if it is possible to do perform the private key Opt-In/Upload with Google Developer Publisher API? Haven't found anything yet...
  • Gopal Awasthi
    Gopal Awasthi about 3 years
    I have followed the same steps and able to upload the app in the internal testing but problem is that PlayStore shows me updated version but instead of Update it shows me Open button. So I can't able to update my app in internal testing.
  • cwgso
    cwgso almost 3 years
    A word of caution - you need to be the account owner to agree to the terms, so if you're working with another company, you'll need to get them the private key to perform the upload and save the file, then they can agree to the terms.
  • Liker777
    Liker777 over 2 years
    For now, there is no such button in the Google Play Console... They have "App integrity" menu instead, without an option to upload new key..