How to enable multiple choice in symfony2 form field: collection


You don't need the collection type here. The choice type with "multiple" set to true will output a collection just fine.

    ->add('roles', 'choice', array(
        'expanded' => true,
        'multiple' => true,
        'choices'  => array(
            'ROLE_CONTENT' => 'Innehåll',
            'ROLE_LAYOUT'  => 'Skärmlayout',
            'ROLE_VIDEO'   => 'Videouppladdning',
            'ROLE_ADMIN'   => 'Administratör',
Matt Welander
Author by

Matt Welander

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Matt Welander
    Matt Welander about 2 years

    I have a user registration form (that the admin uses) and I want to include the choices for role. I have successfully added a drop-down of roles with the following code in my buildForm function:

            ->add('roles', 'collection', array(
                'type'   => 'choice',
                'options'  => array(
                    'choices'  => array(
                        'ROLE_CONTENT' => 'Innehåll',
                        'ROLE_LAYOUT'     => 'Skärmlayout',
                        'ROLE_VIDEO'    => 'Videouppladdning',
                        'ROLE_ADMIN'    => 'Administratör',

    Now, I want this to be a multichoice or list of checkboxes instead of a dropdown, but I can't seem to find a way, seems like a simple enough thing to do or am I missing something about how this field type works, can it not take multiple choices?

  • mmoreram
    mmoreram over 7 years
    This is not true. Collection extends FormType, not ChoiceType.‌​l