How to encode and decode Base64 and Base64Url in Flutter / Dart


The dart:convert library contains an encoder and decoder for Base64 and Base64Url. However, they encode and decode Lists of integers, so for strings you also need to encode and decode in UTF-8. Rather than doing these two encodings separately, you can combine them with fuse.

You need to have the following import:

import 'dart:convert';


String credentials = "username:password";
Codec<String, String> stringToBase64 = utf8.fuse(base64);
String encoded = stringToBase64.encode(credentials);      // dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
String decoded = stringToBase64.decode(encoded);          // username:password

Note that this is equivalent to:

String encoded = base64.encode(utf8.encode(credentials)); // dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
String decoded = utf8.decode(base64.decode(encoded));     // username:password


String credentials = "username:password";
Codec<String, String> stringToBase64Url = utf8.fuse(base64Url);
String encoded = stringToBase64Url.encode(credentials);      // dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
String decoded = stringToBase64Url.decode(encoded);          // username:password

Again, this is equivalent to:

String encoded = base64Url.encode(utf8.encode(credentials)); // dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
String decoded = utf8.decode(base64Url.decode(encoded));     // username:password

See also


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Updated on February 09, 2021


  • Suragch
    Suragch about 3 years

    I want to encode the following string in Base64Url in Flutter and decode it in on a Dart server.


    How do I do that? And how do I do it in Base64?

  • pskink
    pskink almost 5 years
    instead of constructs like utf8.decode(base64.decode(credentials)); use Codec::fuse() method
  • Suragch
    Suragch almost 5 years
    @pskink, At first I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening (the expanded form felt more readable), but then I realized that you didn't need to switch the order of utf8 and base64. You just use decode on the fused method. So, yes, much easier.
  • pskink
    pskink almost 5 years
    this is because fuse() method docs say: "When encoding, the resulting codec encodes with this before encoding with other. When decoding, the resulting codec decodes with other before decoding with this."
  • pskink
    pskink almost 5 years
    btw fuse is not limited to two codecs - you can call multiple fuse methods to chain more than two codecs
  • Suragch
    Suragch almost 5 years
    @pskink I also found this one: Base64Encoder().convert(credentials.codeUnits), where you can also do Base64Encoder.urlSafe(). What are your thoughts on this? It seems more readable to me.
  • pskink
    pskink almost 5 years
    this is Base64Codec.encoder - the same like base64.encoder