How to exclude mock package from python coverage report using nosetests


Solution 1

Create a .coveragerc file that excludes what you don't want in the report:

Solution 2

In your .coveragerc move your omit entry from the [report] section to the [run] section.

Solution 3

I had a similar situation testing a series of sub-packages within my main package directory. I was running nosetests from within the top directory of my module and Mock and other libraries were included in the coverage report. I tried using --cover-module my_package in nosetests, but then the subpackages were not included.

Running the following solved my problem:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package ../my_package

So, if all the code that you want to test is in the same directory, then you can get coverage for it alone by specifying the module path to nosetests. This avoids the need to whitelist each of the submodules individually.

(Python 2.7.6, coverage 4.0.3, nose 1.3.7)

Frederick Roth
Author by

Frederick Roth

Updated on July 01, 2022


  • Frederick Roth
    Frederick Roth almost 2 years

    I currently try to use the mock library to write some basic nose unittests in python.

    After finishing some basic example I now tried to use nosetests --with-coverage and now I have the mock package and the package I tried to 'mock away' are shown in the coverage report. Is there a possibility to exclude these?

    Here is the class I want to test:

    from imaplib import IMAP4
    class ImapProxy:
        def __init__(self, host):
            self._client = IMAP4(host)

    And the testcase: from mock import patch

    from ImapProxy import ImapProxy
    class TestImap:
        def test_connect(self):
            with patch('ImapProxy.IMAP4') as imapMock:
                proxy = ImapProxy("testhost")

    I now get the following output for nosetests --with-coverage

    Name         Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    ImapProxy        4      0   100%   
    imaplib        675    675     0%   23-1519
    mock          1240    810    35%   [ a lot of lines]

    Is there any way to exclude the mock package and the imaplib package without having to manually whitelisting all but those packages by --cover-package=PACKAGE

    Thanks to Ned Batchelder I now know about the .coveragerc file, thanks for that!

    I created a .coveragerc file with the following content:

    omit = *mock*

    Now my output for mock in the coverage report is:

    mock                     1240   1240     0%   16-2356

    It does not cover the mock package any longer but still shows it in the report.

    I use, version 3.5.2 if this is any help.

  • Frederick Roth
    Frederick Roth almost 12 years
    Could you have a look at the information I added in my question? I am not sure whether it is an error on my side or if omit in the [report] block is not working correctly.
  • Boris
    Boris over 11 years
    I am facing a similar problem, and created a coveragerc file which contains inclusions and omissions. However, nose does not seem to consider it and proceeds to run coverage on all of Python's libraries (despite cover_pylib being set to False in the configuration file). Any idea how to make coveragerc work with nose?
  • Frederick Roth
    Frederick Roth about 11 years
    Ok now after Thomas E Jenkins gave another answer I retested it and the current coverage version does not have this behavior any longer.
  • cdunn2001
    cdunn2001 over 10 years
    Exactly. [report] suppresses per-file reporting but does not alter the % calculations. [run] works for me.
  • digitaldavenyc
    digitaldavenyc over 9 years
    So there is no way to include the .coveragerc file any longer? How does one go about excluding items from a test?
  • yantrab
    yantrab over 9 years
    @digitaldavenyc still supports .coveragerc files. If you are having a problem, let's start another thread.