How to execute <script> code in a javascript append


Solution 1

appending HTML into the DOM does not cause the browser to evaluate any script tags in said appended HTML.

If you really wanted to, you could evaluate the javascript by using eval():


Solution 2

I know this is an old question but I've had a similar problem today. The solution was using createContextualFragment.

My code looks something like this:

var tagString = '<script async type="text/javascript" src="path_to_script"></script>';

var range = document.createRange();
var documentFragment = range.createContextualFragment(tagString);

Solution 3

This code works in my browser.

$('body').append('<script>alert("test");<' + '/' + 'script>');

so it might be that $(this) is what is actually causing your problem.

Can you replace it with 'body' and see if it works like that?

Solution 4

One workaround in your case could be to append a fake image with an onload event:

<img src="blank.gif" onload="GA_googleFillSlot('blog_landing_right_rectangle_300x250')" />
Author by


Updated on August 21, 2020


  • user734063
    user734063 over 3 years

    I'm working with a plugin that is only Javascript. I need to have it dynamically create a DIV element with an advertisement in it.

    I can't figure out why this doesn't work:

    $(this).append('<div class="overlay-background">Advertisement
         <script type="text-javascript">

    It results in the element created with "Hello World" but it does not execute the GA-googleFillSlot function.

  • Christophe
    Christophe over 11 years
    This won't help as the script won't run anyway.
  • Popnoodles
    Popnoodles over 11 years
    This works for me, if you break the </script> in the string ...</' + 'script>');
  • Azder
    Azder over 11 years
    Thanks, I forgot about the script into script, since I usually put 'em into files.
  • user734063
    user734063 over 11 years
    This solution causes an unknown white screen error when placed with $(this).append. It produces no change when placed outside of it. I did not modify the code from how it appears above.
  • user734063
    user734063 over 11 years
    Looks like dozens of bad requests on It looks like I'm appending in a loop (NextGEN gallery carousel).