How to execute mysql on button click


Solution 1

You can do something like this to save a value from an input/submit btn.

<!-- your html form -->
<form action="POST">
    <input type='text' name='username' />
    <input type='text' value='submit' />


// your php code

if($_POST && isset($_POST['username'])){

    $db = new \PDO('......'); // enter your db details

    $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO table (username) VALUES (?)");
    $result = $stmt->execute(array($_POST['username']);

    echo $result->rowCount() ? 'Username saved in db' : 'Unknown error occured'; 


Solution 2

Update: 2017

This answer is outdated, please use better library like PDO to accomplish the below feature.

Ok, just copy/paste the whole code in a plain PHP text. It works, I tried it just now. All you need is a table called test, with fileds id,username, or you can costumize the script, however you like. and don't forget to change databse password, username details..

<form action='' method='POST'>

mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
$query  = "SELECT * FROM users";
$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "  To delete user   <b>" . $row['username'] . "</b>  Click on the number <input type='submit' name='delete' value='" . $row['id'] . "' /><br/>";

if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
    $user = $_POST['delete'];
    $delet_query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = $user ") or die(mysql_error());

    if ($delet_query) {
        echo 'user with id ' . $user . ' is removed from your table, to refresh your page, click' . '<a href=' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . ' > here </a>';

Solution 3

Use an AJAX library to issue a request to a server-side script that executes your query. Put this as your onClick() handler in Javascript, and presto, Bob's your uncle!

Author by


Hi, I'm Patrick!

Updated on March 03, 2020


  • pattyd
    pattyd over 4 years

    How would I execute SQL when a button is clicked? Would I do it with the JavaScript onClick() function, or some other way? I am trying to do this inside of a loop, and only execute the sql on the row that the button is clicked on... Thanks!

    Code for @PHPnoOb to help: Okay, so now I have all of that sorted out, but when the button is clicked it executes once for each row... not just once for the row the button was clicked on! I only want the row that the button was clicked on to be queried... my code:

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "You clicked on: ".$row['subject'];
    //eventually i will have sql query up here
    //echo all the results into a table... messy
    <tr><td><div align='center'><font color='grey'>".$row['date']."</font></div></td><td><div align='center'> ".$row['sender']."</div></td><td><div align='center'> ".$row['subject']."</div></td><td><div align='center'><input type='button' value='open' onClick='window.alert(\"On ".$row['date']." ".$row['sender']." wrote:\\n".$row['message']."\")'/></div></td><td><div align='center'><form  method='post'><input type='submit' value='delete' name='delete'/></form></div></td></tr>
    echo '</table>'; //ends the table.
    • pattyd
      pattyd about 11 years… does not help, I do not want to submit the whole form...
    • Qantas 94 Heavy
      Qantas 94 Heavy about 11 years
      You'd need to send an HTTP POST/GET request to be able to tell the PHP server when the button is clicked, and have PHP call any database functions. Most of the time this is achieved using a HTML form, but not necessarily.
    • pattyd
      pattyd about 11 years
      Why was this closed? It is not difficult to understand
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    oh! that looks right! thanks, testing now!
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    and this works on the same page as the button, correct?
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    @pattyd as long as your button name is submit yes, it will, just try writting anything inside the field and echo it inside the if(isset)
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    ok, above the button, or below?
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    The both. You fill something in the above, and press the submit button
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    gotcha, one minute please
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    that worked! thanks! I will accept the answer as soon as Stack Overflow allows! Thanks Again!!!
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    No problem. Feel free to ask me more if you have anything on this subject, maybe one more question.. I love helping :)
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    Okay I have one more..... I do this inside a loop okay? so i want to delete the row that the button is clicked on.... but it deletes all of the records, not just the one record that is clicked! I may have to sign off, but I can post more soon, if needed! Thanks so much!
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    You can do the same, inside the if statement, create another if, and check if something is pressed with specific name(button name) then, use that value to delete a record. I didn't clearly undestand the question though
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    I mean I am looping over the table rows result, printing all the rows to the screen. Beside each row is a button that says delete.... when i press it i tell it to execute echo "hi"; and it echoes that as many times are there are rows.... I only want the function to be called once... once for the row it is pressed on.... does that give better detail? Or should I share more?
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    Give me some codes, as I am answering another question, I am not in focus. I undestood some, but not all. sorry
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    okay.... i will add in an edit
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    PHP Noob: its in the edit, thx!
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    give me a minute, never built a delete by row query, but it is simple possible to create a quick one.
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    @pattyd check my other answer, for clarity sake, I have made another one. I hope it gives you some idea, if not you can re-ask by use the code, and some SO experts will help you out. just make sure to post clear questions
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    Thanks alot! That is exactly what I meant! I haven't tested this yet, but It looks right! Thanks!
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    testing now.... there are some errors in your code: change eles to else and mysq to mysql testing now,...
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    Ok, sorry about that.
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    ok this seriously isnt working..... could you please incorperate this into my code that is in my question? I really appreciate it.
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    thanks for your help so far, i cant get it to work with my code, could you please show with my code? thanks
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    @pattyd ok, but give me some time. I will try to create it in my localhost, and i'll give you when I finish.
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    @pattyd Ok, I just remembered like 10 minutes ago, and tested this script before I sleep. It works, but, I may build something better and that works with Javascript/Ajax tomorrow and will give you, if ur still interested. cause, I enjoy make those little scripts.
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    ok thanks! All i need is something that works, i definatly would prefer PHP, even if it is a big mess, AJAX/js works too thx!
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    PHPNOOB IS THE MAN! THX SOOOOO MUCH DUDE! The only error in that code was that the delete button had to be nested in a form: <form method='post'>buttonhere</form> THANKS AGAIN!!!! I hope to see you again on another SO forum!
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    I will keep the old answer as the accepted answer though, it doesnt really make a difference cuz they are both yours! Thanks!
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    also, if you want the button value to be something other than the ID you can turn the button into a hidden field, and have a new submit button with a value of Delete, or what ever you want it to say.
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    glad it worked for you :),try to add a message saying 'are you sure u want to delete this/that user' functionality, and it will be good, I have an empty room on ajax :( drop me a message, if u want
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    okay thanks! I don't think i will add the confirmation yet. How do i send you a message? Sorry, kinda new to SO!
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    I am not sure, if you have enough reps to chat, but you can follow the link i gave you above, and just post message there, if not u have to wait a little bit, until you earn more reps
  • pattyd
    pattyd about 11 years
    yeah i can chat, what link are you talking about?
  • samayo
    samayo about 11 years
    click right here