How to fill out a textfield within a form on a webpage from a chrome extension?


You can't access the webpage directly from popup. You should use content scripts to do this. Content scripts run in the context of the webpage.

Add this to your manifest :

"content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "js": [

myscript.js :


document.getElementById('body').value = 'testing123';
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • ayaz15m
    ayaz15m almost 2 years

    So far I have got an extension that lists out the webpage the user is on and a button. The button should, when clicked, fill in the textfield with "testing123".

    On the webpage where I am testing the form has a id and name "form" and the textfield has an id and name "body".

    If I could get some help filling in this textfield or a general textfield it would be greatly appreciated.

    Here are the files I have so far:


          "name": "Extension Menu",
          "version": "1.0",
          "manifest_version": 2,
          "description": "My extension",
          "browser_action": {
            "default_icon": "icon.png",
            "default_menu": "Menu",
            "default_popup": "popup.html"
          "icons": {
            "128": "icon.png"
          "permissions": [
              "tabs", "http://*/*", "activeTab"


    <p id="currentLink">Loading ...</p>
    <hr />
    <ul id="savedLinks"></ul>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script><br>
    <button type="button" onclick="fill in text box with the word 'testing123'">Go!</button>


        chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
          // $("#body").val("testing123");
          // document.getElementById('body').value = 'testing123';
          document.getElementById('currentLink').innerHTML = tab.url;

    I have tried using:

    1. $("#body").val("testing123");

    2. document.getElementById('body').value = 'testing123';

    but they do not seem to be working.

  • ayaz15m
    ayaz15m over 9 years
    thank you! that seems to work when the page is first loaded. Do you know how I could do it so the value is loaded in the textfield once the button is clicked?
  • Parag Gangil
    Parag Gangil over 9 years
    @ayaz15m : Either you can directly add the button to the page through this content script and add onclick event to it, OR , you should use (message passing)[]. In message passing button click on popup will send a message to the content script to run the onclick event on the webpage.
  • ayaz15m
    ayaz15m over 9 years
    would the onclick event occur when the extension button is clicked or the button in the popup. I would like it to occur when the button in the popup is clicked. Would it work the same as what you described?
  • ayaz15m
    ayaz15m over 9 years
    Can give my button and id="btn" and put the contents of myscript.js inside of: $('#btn').click(function(){ //current code }); Would something like that work?