How to fill PDF forms using Python


Solution 1

You can find the form fields here:


or here


This is a PdfArray object. Basically a List. The Name of the field is found here:


Other keys include the value .V There's a bunch of display information, like the font etc under .AP.N.Resources

However, if you update the value for a field and output the pdf file. It might only display the value when the field has focus i.e is clicked on.

I haven't figured out how to fix that yet.

Solution 2

Use this to fill every fields if they are indexed.

template = PdfReader('template.pdf')
page_c = 0
while page_c < len(template.Root.Pages.Kids): #LOOP through pages
    annot_c = 0
    while annot_c < len(template.Root.Pages.Kids[page_c].Annots): #LOOP through fields
PdfWriter().write('output.pdf', template)

Solution 3

I wrote a library built upon:'pdfrw', 'pdf2image', 'Pillow', 'PyPDF2' called fillpdf (pip install fillpdf and poppler dependency conda install -c conda-forge poppler)

Basic usage:

from fillpdf import fillpdfs


# returns a dictionary of fields
# Set the returned dictionary values a save to a variable
# For radio boxes ('Off' = not filled, 'Yes' = filled)

data_dict = {
'Text2': 'Name',
'Text4': 'LastName',
'box': 'Yes',

fillpdfs.write_fillable_pdf('blank.pdf', 'new.pdf', data_dict)

# If you want it flattened:
fillpdfs.flatten_pdf('new.pdf', 'newflat.pdf')

More info here:

If some fields don't fill, you can use fitz (pip install PyMuPDF) and PyPDF2 (pip install PyPDF2) like the following altering the points as needed:

import fitz
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader

file_handle ='blank.pdf')
pdf = PdfFileReader(open('blank.pdf','rb'))
box = pdf.getPage(0).mediaBox
w = box.getWidth()
h = box.getHeight()

# For images
image_rectangle = fitz.Rect((w/2)-200,h-255,(w/2)-100,h-118)
pages = pdf.getNumPages() - 1
last_page = file_handle[pages]
last_page.insertImage(image_rectangle, filename=f'image.png')

# For text
last_page.insertText(fitz.Point((w/2)-247 , h-478), 'John Smith', fontsize=14, fontname="times-bold")'newpdf.pdf')
Author by



Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Atinesh
    Atinesh almost 2 years

    I have a PDF form created using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 10.4. I need to fill it using Python so that we can reduce manual labor. I searched the web and read some article most of them were focused around pdfrw library, I tried using it and extracted some information from PDF form as shown below


    from pdfrw import PdfReader
    pdf = PdfReader('sample.pdf')
    print('PDF has {} pages'.format(len(pdf.pages)))


    ['/Root', '/Info', '/ID', '/Size']
    {'/CreationDate': "(D:20180822164509+05'30')", '/Creator': '(Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 10.4)', '/ModDate': "(D:20180822165611+05'30')", '/Producer': '(Adobe XML Form Module Library)'}
    ['/AcroForm', '/MarkInfo', '/Metadata', '/Names', '/NeedsRendering', '/Pages', '/Perms', '/StructTreeRoot', '/Type']
    PDF has 1 pages

    I am not sure how further I can use pdfrw to access the fillable fields from the PDF form and fill them using Python is it possible. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    • joelgeraci
      joelgeraci over 5 years
      Forms created in Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 10.4 come in two flavors and your task will be different based on which one you have. Designer can create either a static XFA form, which contains a normal PDF form with fields as well as an XML component for all of the logic and scripting. Alternatively, you might have a dynamic XFA form which doesn't contain a PDF form at all but relies on Adobe Reader (and a few other viewers) to render the XML into a form on the fly. My answer will depend on which type of form you have.
    • arush1836
      arush1836 over 5 years
      @joelgeraci I just have a PDF form I don't know how it is created. I can open it in Acrobat Reader.
    • joelgeraci
      joelgeraci over 5 years
      Can you share the file, I can identify the form type.
    • Gabriel Devillers
      Gabriel Devillers over 5 years
    • Admin
      Admin almost 4 years
      @joelgeraci In my PDF it is showing Producer as 'Adobe XML Form Module Library'. Can you please help me out with this question please.…
  • misterducky
    misterducky about 3 years
    I'm trying to conda install poppler like you mentioned, and it just keeps hanging. Did you have any trick for it? I'm trying directly in the anaconda prompt.
  • Tyler Houssian
    Tyler Houssian about 3 years
    @misterducky Interesting. There are a few different install commands on this page to try: Look here as well:‌​ll-poppler-on-window‌​s-using-conda