How to find smallest substring which contains all characters from a given string?


Solution 1

You can do a histogram sweep in O(N+M) time and O(1) space where N is the number of characters in the first string and M is the number of characters in the second.

It works like this:

  • Make a histogram of the second string's characters (key operation is hist2[ s2[i] ]++).
  • Make a cumulative histogram of the first string's characters until that histogram contains every character that the second string's histogram contains (which I will call "the histogram condition").
  • Then move forwards on the first string, subtracting from the histogram, until it fails to meet the histogram condition. Mark that bit of the first string (before the final move) as your tentative substring.
  • Move the front of the substring forwards again until you meet the histogram condition again. Move the end forwards until it fails again. If this is a shorter substring than the first, mark that as your tentative substring.
  • Repeat until you've passed through the entire first string.
  • The marked substring is your answer.

Note that by varying the check you use on the histogram condition, you can choose either to have the same set of characters as the second string, or at least as many characters of each type. (Its just the difference between a[i]>0 && b[i]>0 and a[i]>=b[i].)

You can speed up the histogram checks if you keep a track of which condition is not satisfied when you're trying to satisfy it, and checking only the thing that you decrement when you're trying to break it. (On the initial buildup, you count how many items you've satisfied, and increment that count every time you add a new character that takes the condition from false to true.)

Solution 2

To see more details including working code, check my blog post at:

To help illustrate this approach, I use an example: string1 = "acbbaca" and string2 = "aba". Here, we also use the term "window", which means a contiguous block of characters from string1 (could be interchanged with the term substring).

alt text

i) string1 = "acbbaca" and string2 = "aba".

alt text

ii) The first minimum window is found. Notice that we cannot advance begin pointer as hasFound['a'] == needToFind['a'] == 2. Advancing would mean breaking the constraint.

alt text

iii) The second window is found. begin pointer still points to the first element 'a'. hasFound['a'] (3) is greater than needToFind['a'] (2). We decrement hasFound['a'] by one and advance begin pointer to the right.

alt text

iv) We skip 'c' since it is not found in string2. Begin pointer now points to 'b'. hasFound['b'] (2) is greater than needToFind['b'] (1). We decrement hasFound['b'] by one and advance begin pointer to the right.

alt text

v) Begin pointer now points to the next 'b'. hasFound['b'] (1) is equal to needToFind['b'] (1). We stop immediately and this is our newly found minimum window.

The idea is mainly based on the help of two pointers (begin and end position of the window) and two tables (needToFind and hasFound) while traversing string1. needToFind stores the total count of a character in string2 and hasFound stores the total count of a character met so far. We also use a count variable to store the total characters in string2 that's met so far (not counting characters where hasFound[x] exceeds needToFind[x]). When count equals string2's length, we know a valid window is found.

Each time we advance the end pointer (pointing to an element x), we increment hasFound[x] by one. We also increment count by one if hasFound[x] is less than or equal to needToFind[x]. Why? When the constraint is met (that is, count equals to string2's size), we immediately advance begin pointer as far right as possible while maintaining the constraint.

How do we check if it is maintaining the constraint? Assume that begin points to an element x, we check if hasFound[x] is greater than needToFind[x]. If it is, we can decrement hasFound[x] by one and advancing begin pointer without breaking the constraint. On the other hand, if it is not, we stop immediately as advancing begin pointer breaks the window constraint.

Finally, we check if the minimum window length is less than the current minimum. Update the current minimum if a new minimum is found.

Essentially, the algorithm finds the first window that satisfies the constraint, then continue maintaining the constraint throughout.

Solution 3

Here's an O(n) solution. The basic idea is simple: for each starting index, find the least ending index such that the substring contains all of the necessary letters. The trick is that the least ending index increases over the course of the function, so with a little data structure support, we consider each character at most twice.

In Python:

from collections import defaultdict

def smallest(s1, s2):
    assert s2 != ''
    d = defaultdict(int)
    nneg = [0]  # number of negative entries in d
    def incr(c):
        d[c] += 1
        if d[c] == 0:
            nneg[0] -= 1
    def decr(c):
        if d[c] == 0:
            nneg[0] += 1
        d[c] -= 1
    for c in s2:
    minlen = len(s1) + 1
    j = 0
    for i in xrange(len(s1)):
        while nneg[0] > 0:
            if j >= len(s1):
                return minlen
            j += 1
        minlen = min(minlen, j - i)
    return minlen

Solution 4

I received the same interview question. I am a C++ candidate but I was in a position to code relatively fast in JAVA.

Java [Courtesy : Sumod Mathilakath]

import  java.util.*;

class UserMainCode

    public String GetSubString(String input1,String input2){
        // Write code here...
        return find(input1, input2);
  private static boolean containsPatternChar(int[] sCount, int[] pCount) {
        for(int i=0;i<256;i++) {
                return false;
        return true;
  public static String find(String s, String p) {
        if (p.length() > s.length())
            return null;
        int[] pCount = new int[256];
        int[] sCount = new int[256];
        // Time: O(p.lenght)
        for(int i=0;i<p.length();i++) {
        int i = 0, j = p.length(), min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        String res = null;
        // Time: O(s.lenght)
        while (j < s.length()) {
            if (containsPatternChar(sCount, pCount)) {
                if ((j - i) < min) {
                    min = j - i;
                    res = s.substring(i, j);
                    // This is the smallest possible substring.
                    // Reduce the window size.
            } else {
                // Increase the window size.
        return res;

C++ [Courtesy : sundeepblue]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
string find_minimum_window(string s, string t) {
    if(s.empty() || t.empty()) return;

    int ns = s.size(), nt = t.size();
    vector<int> total(256, 0);
    vector<int> sofar(256, 0);
    for(int i=0; i<nt; i++) 

    int L = 0, R; 
    int minL = 0;                           //gist2
    int count = 0;
    int min_win_len = INT_MAX;

    for(R=0; R<ns; R++) {                   // gist0, a big for loop
        if(total[s[R]] == 0) continue;
        else sofar[s[R]]++;

        if(sofar[s[R]] <= total[s[R]])      // gist1, <= not <

        if(count == nt) {                   // POS1
            while(true) {
                char c = s[L]; 
                if(total[c] == 0) { L++; }
                else if(sofar[c] > total[c]) {
                else break;
            if(R - L + 1 < min_win_len) {   // this judge should be inside POS1
                min_win_len = R - L + 1;
                minL = L;
    string res;
    if(count == nt)                         // gist3, cannot forget this. 
        res = s.substr(minL, min_win_len);  // gist4, start from "minL" not "L"
    return res;
int main() {
    string s = "abdccdedca";
    cout << find_minimum_window(s, "acd");

Erlang [Courtesy : wardbekker]



%% Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

%% For example,
%% T = "ABC"
%% Minimum window is "BANC".

%% Note:
%% If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string "".
%% If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.

min_window() ->
    "eca" = min_window("cabeca", "cae"),
    "eca" = min_window("cfabeca", "cae"),
    "aec" = min_window("cabefgecdaecf", "cae"),
    "cwae" = min_window("cabwefgewcwaefcf", "cae"),
    "BANC" = min_window("ADOBECODEBANC", "ABC"),

min_window(T, S) ->
    min_window(T, S, []).

min_window([], _T, MinWindow) ->
min_window([H | Rest], T, MinWindow) ->
    NewMinWindow = case lists:member(H, T) of
                       true ->
                           MinWindowFound = fullfill_window(Rest, lists:delete(H, T), [H]),
                           case length(MinWindow) == 0 orelse (length(MinWindow) > length(MinWindowFound)
                               andalso length(MinWindowFound) > 0) of
                               true ->
                               false ->
                       false ->
    min_window(Rest, T, NewMinWindow).

fullfill_window(_, [], Acc) ->
    %% window completed
fullfill_window([], _T, _Acc) ->
    %% no window found
fullfill_window([H | Rest], T, Acc) ->
    %% completing window
    case lists:member(H, T) of
        true ->
            fullfill_window(Rest, lists:delete(H, T), Acc ++ [H]);
        false ->
            fullfill_window(Rest, T, Acc ++ [H])


Solution 5

Please have a look at this as well:


bool IsInSet(char ch, char* cSet)
    char* cSetptr = cSet;
    int index = 0;
    while (*(cSet+ index) != '\0')
        if(ch == *(cSet+ index))
            return true;            
    return false;

void removeChar(char ch, char* cSet)
    bool bShift = false;
    int index = 0;
    while (*(cSet + index) != '\0')
        if( (ch == *(cSet + index)) || bShift)
            *(cSet + index) = *(cSet + index + 1);
            bShift = true;
typedef struct subStr
    short iStart;
    short iEnd;
    short szStr;

char* subStringSmallest(char* testStr, char* cSet)
    char* subString = NULL;
    int iSzSet = strlen(cSet) + 1;
    int iSzString = strlen(testStr)+ 1;
    char* cSetBackUp = new char[iSzSet];
    memcpy((void*)cSetBackUp, (void*)cSet, iSzSet);

    int iStartIndx = -1;    
    int iEndIndx = -1;
    int iIndexStartNext = -1;

    std::vector<ss> subStrVec;
    int index = 0;

    while( *(testStr+index) != '\0' )
        if (IsInSet(*(testStr+index), cSetBackUp))
            removeChar(*(testStr+index), cSetBackUp);

            if(iStartIndx < 0)
                iStartIndx = index;
            else if( iIndexStartNext < 0)
                iIndexStartNext = index;

            if (strlen(cSetBackUp) == 0 )
                iEndIndx = index;
                if( iIndexStartNext == -1)
                    index = iIndexStartNext;
                    ss stemp = {iStartIndx, iEndIndx, (iEndIndx-iStartIndx + 1)};
                    iStartIndx = iEndIndx = iIndexStartNext = -1;
                    memcpy((void*)cSetBackUp, (void*)cSet, iSzSet);
            if (IsInSet(*(testStr+index), cSet))
                if(iIndexStartNext < 0)
                    iIndexStartNext = index;


    int indexSmallest = 0;
    for(int indexVec = 0; indexVec < subStrVec.size(); ++indexVec)
        if(subStrVec[indexSmallest].szStr > subStrVec[indexVec].szStr)
            indexSmallest = indexVec;       

    subString = new char[(subStrVec[indexSmallest].szStr) + 1];
    memcpy((void*)subString, (void*)(testStr+ subStrVec[indexSmallest].iStart), subStrVec[indexSmallest].szStr);
    memset((void*)(subString + subStrVec[indexSmallest].szStr), 0, 1);

    delete[] cSetBackUp;
    return subString;
Rajendra Uppal
Author by

Rajendra Uppal

Updated on September 20, 2020


  • Rajendra Uppal
    Rajendra Uppal over 3 years

    I have recently come across an interesting question on strings. Suppose you are given following:

    Input string1: "this is a test string"
    Input string2: "tist"
    Output string: "t stri"

    So, given above, how can I approach towards finding smallest substring of string1 that contains all the characters from string 2?

  • Rajendra Uppal
    Rajendra Uppal about 14 years
    @algorithmist, I have not worked in Python, but I can get that for...while loop doesn;t seem to O(n). Can you please tell your approach taking example given in the question, would appreciate that.
  • user287792
    user287792 about 14 years
    j can only increase len(s1) times, so the while loop does O(n) work in total.
  • Rex Kerr
    Rex Kerr about 14 years
    @Rajendra: This algorithm does exactly what I described in my post, if that helps--i marks the tail of the substring and j marks the head. @algorithmist: nice work, coming up with code ever-so-slightly-faster than I came up with a description!
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    +1: This is much more readable than python. Would be nice if you included a proof/explanation of why it works too.
  • Mads Ravn
    Mads Ravn about 14 years
    @Rex Kerr: I fail to see how that is O(1) space. Will your histograms not take up O(N+M) space if all character are unique (worst case)?
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    O(M) space can be done (rather than O(N+M)), as you don't really need to concern yourself with characters not present is s2. I agree though, that the space usage is O(1) seems incorrect and does not seem to match the description.
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    @Rex: I think we all know what O(1) means. You are missing the point, and the proof request was not about why it is O(N), it was about why it is correct. If you like, I can add that to your post.
  • Mads Ravn
    Mads Ravn about 14 years
    @Moron: You are completely right. I was just following the steps of the algorithm and did not take this (simple) optimization into account. @Rex Kerr: From a theoretical standpoint I believe you are wrong. If you allocate a constant amount of memory I can chose M large enough that your counters overflow, so we would need at least O(log_2(M)) space. In a more pragmatic use of the notation I would also consider O(1) to be a bit misleading as one usually associates this with a small fixed amount of memory. Can we settle for O(min(charset size, M)) :)
  • Rex Kerr
    Rex Kerr about 14 years
    @Moron: Why not add your own answer about why it is/isn't correct, since both algorithmist and I have the same answer (as does the solution at the end of nvl's link)? @Mads: Good point--let's say O(|set(M)|) perhaps, where |set(M)| is the number of unique characters in M.
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    @Rex. I am not claiming it is incorrect. I gave it a +1 already (i.e. I think it is correct). I really don't see the point of having multiple answers saying the same thing in different ways or one answer supplementing the other. This site is meant to answer questions, not to drown the questioner with a lot of varied answers saying similar things. I suggested you add a proof to make your answer more complete (and better), not to question the correctness. You don't seem to get the point of this site... Anyway, I am done with this conversation.
  • Cmyker
    Cmyker over 8 years
    This is NOT O(n) solution! Because looking in the dictionary itself has the worst case complexity O(n)… so multiple your n at least by 2
  • Toby Speight
    Toby Speight over 7 years
    Although this code may help to solve the problem, providing additional context regarding why and/or how it answers the question would significantly improve its long-term value. Please edit your answer to add some explanation.
  • आनंद
    आनंद over 5 years
    I think the approach needs a more clean explanation. Especially the terms like 'hasFound' and 'needToFind'. It's hard to wrap my head around it.
  • deHaar
    deHaar almost 5 years
    Could you please explain why and how your code snippet provides an answer to the question? Thank you.
  • Sai Chand
    Sai Chand over 4 years
    I am using two HashMaps to store the number of character in each string and check if two maps are equal , if two maps are equal then we have got the substrings that are in given string.
  • Arun
    Arun over 3 years
    needToFind is the histogram computed from the pattern string, string2. It is computed in the beginning and it never changes. In this example, needToFind = {'a' : 2, 'b': 1}. On the other hand, hasFound is the histogram of the characters currently in the sliding window.