how to fire onchange event in chosen prototype javascript select box?


Solution 1

use the "addEventListener" method on the select box object.

EDIT - here's an example:

document.getElementById('selecboxid').addEventListener('change', SomeFunction(), false);

Solution 2

In this line you have used $() with a class name, which it does not support.

Event.observe($(".chzn-select"),'change', function(){

A class name can be used multiple times so an array is returned from $$(), here is one way to work with arrays.

$$(".chzn-select").invoke('observe', 'change', function() {

I haven't used Chosen before; it's instructions say it needs to be setup so you might have to do this outside of the change event.

document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
    $$(".chzn-select").each(function(select) {
        new Chosen(select);
Ramesh Kotha
Author by

Ramesh Kotha

● 10+ years of experience in object-oriented design, development, deployment and maintenance of Web and JEE applications using process methodologies ● Expert in development of applications using JEE technologies like Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, and JavaMail ● Expert in developing Angular2 single page applications. ● Expert in developing Google Maps V3 / OpenLayers map based applications. ● Experience in developing and deploying applications using Tomcat, Web Logic. ● Proficiency in Oracle and MySQL ● Expertise in Various IDE’s likes Eclipse and MyEclipse. ● Experience in developing applications using three tier architectural frameworks such as MVC (Model View Controller) and SPRING framework and Hibernate. ● Experience in JQuery, Javascript, DWR, AJAX and XML. ● Experience working extensively on Windows environments ● Worked on all phases of Systems Development life cycle (SDLC) ● Prepared test case scenarios and internal documentation for validation and reporting ● Experienced in User Support and training end users for efficient use of developed applications. ● Strong knowledge of Gang of Four design Patterns like Façade, Singleton, DAO ● Versed with development methodologies namely SDLC

Updated on February 02, 2020


  • Ramesh Kotha
    Ramesh Kotha over 4 years

    I am using chosen prototype for select box. Now i want to fire onchange event on that select box. here is the link for chosen prototype

    How to do this. please help me.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/Event.simulate.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/chosen/chosen.proto.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div class="side-by-side clearfix" style="margin-bottom:14px;">
            <select data-placeholder="Select Loacation"  class="chzn-select" tabindex="2" name="source">
              <option value="">Select Loacation</option>
              <option value="">option1</option>
              <option value="">option2</option>
    Event.observe($(".chzn-select"),'change', function(){
  • Ramesh Kotha
    Ramesh Kotha over 12 years
    hi, its not working, can you give me an example with alert please,
  • clockworkgeek
    clockworkgeek over 12 years
    Now that I've read a suitable example I see I was setting it up wrong. Here is a minimal fiddle that works, to get it looking like the official one I had to link to the same CSS but of course you can make your own.
  • Ramesh Kotha
    Ramesh Kotha over 12 years
    hi everything is working fine, but i have two select boxes on the same page, so how to distinguish those?
  • clockworkgeek
    clockworkgeek over 12 years
    Give them each an id attribute.
  • Ramesh Kotha
    Ramesh Kotha over 12 years
    hi @clockworkgeek i want to update the second select box based on the first select box, can you give me small example please.