how to fix Angular not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode


Solution 1

From the documentation it looks like you need to declare all dependency injections in string array.

There are other ways but normally I would do it like this:

controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', 'mouseCapture',
  function($scope, $element, $attrs, mouseCapture) {

One of the reason we do this is because when we try to minify this js file, variable names would be reduced to one or 2 characters, and DI needs the exact name to find the services. By declaring DI in a string array, angular can match services with their minified variable name. For this reason, the string array and the function arguments need EXACT MATCHING in number and order.


If you are following John Papa's Angular style guide, you should do it like this:

controller: MouseCaptureController,

MouseCaptureController.$inject = ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', 'mouseCapture'];

function MouseCaptureController($scope, $element, $attrs, mouseCapture) {

Solution 2

The code says:


There is an error with the dependency injection In the documentation for this error:

Strict mode throws an error whenever a service tries to use implicit annotations

You should try to switching to:

.factory('mouseCapture', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {...}]);

syntax, whenever in strict mode.

Solution 3

Just add 'ngInject' to the first line of your constructor.

Solution 4

adding 'ngInject' was the answer the worked for me. Actually I am using typescript with angularjs, and adding /@ngInject/ right before the constructor did the trick.

Mr Mixin
Author by

Mr Mixin

Updated on October 12, 2020


  • Mr Mixin
    Mr Mixin over 3 years

    I am using strict mode and Angular 1.4.7 , I get the following error:

    Error: [$injector:strictdi] function($scope, $element, $attrs, mouseCapture) is not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode

    The angular generated url for the error is:$injector/strictdi?p0=function($scope,%20$element,%20$attrs,%20mouseCapture

    And the following is the service

    angular.module('mouseCapture', [])
    // Service used to acquire 'mouse capture' then receive dragging events while the mouse is captured.
    .factory('mouseCapture', function ($rootScope) {
        // Element that the mouse capture applies to, defaults to 'document' 
        // unless the 'mouse-capture' directive is used.
        var $element = document; 
        // Set when mouse capture is acquired to an object that contains 
        // handlers for 'mousemove' and 'mouseup' events.
        var mouseCaptureConfig = null;
        // Handler for mousemove events while the mouse is 'captured'.
        var mouseMove = function (evt) {
            if (mouseCaptureConfig && mouseCaptureConfig.mouseMove) {
        // Handler for mouseup event while the mouse is 'captured'.
        var mouseUp = function (evt) {
            if (mouseCaptureConfig && mouseCaptureConfig.mouseUp) {
        return {
            // Register an element to use as the mouse capture element instead of 
            // the default which is the document.
            registerElement: function(element) {
                $element = element;
            // Acquire the 'mouse capture'.
            // After acquiring the mouse capture mousemove and mouseup events will be 
            // forwarded to callbacks in 'config'.
            acquire: function (evt, config) {
                // Release any prior mouse capture.
                mouseCaptureConfig = config;
                // In response to the mousedown event register handlers for mousemove and mouseup 
                // during 'mouse capture'.
            // Release the 'mouse capture'.
            release: function () {
                if (mouseCaptureConfig) {
                    if (mouseCaptureConfig.released) {
                        // Let the client know that their 'mouse capture' has been released.
                    mouseCaptureConfig = null;
                $element.unbind("mousemove", mouseMove);
                $element.unbind("mouseup", mouseUp);
    // Directive that marks the mouse capture element.
    .directive('mouseCapture', function () {
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, mouseCapture) {
            // Register the directives element as the mouse capture element.

    How do i fix this error

  • Mr Mixin
    Mr Mixin over 8 years
    Thanks, this was however not enough. I needed to also add the notation to the controller as @lcycool showed
  • lebobbi
    lebobbi over 8 years
    yes, totally. You should use this explicit syntax anywhere there is a dependency injection and you are using strict mode.
  • Gary
    Gary about 8 years
    This worked for my directive as well :) I assume it would work for any Provider (e.g. Service, Factory)
  • Saeed Neamati
    Saeed Neamati about 8 years
    One question, how to find which service is the culprit? In my scenario, Angular shows a call stack that is only filled with angular methods calls. I can't find what service.
  • Icycool
    Icycool about 8 years
    @SaeedNeamati normally angular errors come with links like, click inside and read the error message. Sometimes the real error is a few layer inside.
  • Saeed Neamati
    Saeed Neamati about 8 years
    Yeah, I know that. However when I click on it, the entire callstack is related to anguarjs. I don't know which part of my code brought me here.
  • Icycool
    Icycool about 8 years
    @SaeedNeamati Sometimes angular fails to show meaningful error when it can't parse your template. Or you can paste your error link here?
  • runchu
    runchu about 5 years
    one question, I export a controller as a module and use/import it in bar.component.js like: let {..., controller: controller,...} and I get the same error, how can I solve that?
  • GarfieldKlon
    GarfieldKlon almost 3 years
    I'm also getting this error when using a class: angular.module('my.system').provider( 'ISupportService', class ISupportProvider implements IServiceProvider {... And if I'm turning it into a function that returns an object I get this error: TypeError: Function.prototype.bind.apply(...) is not a constructor
  • Icycool
    Icycool almost 3 years
    @GarfieldKlon not sure if you should put a class on the second argument, it should be a function with specific things expected inside