How to force tesseract not to use TESSDATA_PREFIX


This seems helpful: Tesseract - change language file location

From the answer in that thread, it appears to be the case that tesseract looks for the environment variable, but if it is not set, assumes a fixed location.

The easiest way to fix this would be to run "cmd", then do:

c:\Users\alex> set TESSDATA_PREFIX="C:/Projects/project/Release/tessdata"
c:\Users\alex> cd MyOCRProgDir
c:\Users\alex\MyOCRProgDir> MyProg

Hope that helps!

Alex Hoppus
Author by

Alex Hoppus

I'am involved/interested in micro-kernel secure operating system development.

Updated on February 25, 2020


  • Alex Hoppus
    Alex Hoppus over 4 years

    I had tesseract installed on my pc, and it defined TESSDATA_PREFIX enviroment variable. After complete uninstallation of tesseract, i try to use tesseract API in this way:

    if (myOCR->Init("C:/Projects/project/Release/tessdata/", "rus")) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize tesseract.\n");

    and recieve

    Error opening data file C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata/rus.traine
    Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the parent d
    irectory of your "tessdata" directory.
    Failed loading language 'rus'
    Tesseract couldn't load any languages!
    Could not initialize tesseract.

    typing set TESSDATA_PREFIX in cmd gives me that there is no such variable. But tesseract remembers it (don't know how). So how can i force tesseract to search traindata in concrete folder? Thanks

  • Alex Hoppus
    Alex Hoppus over 11 years
    i don't want to use this, because it wouldn't work on another pc
  • Alex Hoppus
    Alex Hoppus over 11 years
    1.) i will have no opportunity to set env variable mannualy on another pc 2.) it is not convinient 3) even after reseting this variable, i dont know why, but it searches in C:\Progamfiles (x86)\tesseract-ocr ...
  • Alex Hoppus
    Alex Hoppus over 11 years
    i made full reg scan and deleted all when i met TESSDATA_PREFIX, but it searches in old directory
  • Rahul Banerjee
    Rahul Banerjee over 11 years
    Firstly, you will put these commands into a "Batch file" (a file with .bat extension) and when you copy your program onto the other computer(s), you'll also copy this .bat file onto their Desktop, making it a "shortcut" that they double-click to launch your OCR program. Secondly, since this did not work, is there any chance you could build Tesseract from source? I know it sounds involved, but if you can do that, you may be able to use the advice on the thread I pointed you to.
  • Alex Hoppus
    Alex Hoppus over 11 years
    in this case you can use putenv right from the code rather than bat file. Anyway reboot solves this tricky problem with enviroment variable previously defined by tesseract exe. Thanks
  • Rahul Banerjee
    Rahul Banerjee over 11 years
    All it needed was a reboot? Hah! Glad you were able to figure it out.