How to format console output in columns


Solution 1

You can use the column command:

me@home$ column -t output.txt 
    CHAR.L    96.88    -6.75  (-6.49%)
    MXP.L     12.62    -1.00  (-7.41%)
    NEW.L     7.88     -0.75  (-8.57%)
    AGQ.L     17.75    -0.62  (-3.40%)
    RMP.L     13.12    -0.38  (-2.75%)
    RRR.L     3.35     -0.20  (-5.71%)
    RRL.L     7.95     -0.15  (-1.85%)
    SOU.L     1.73     -0.10  (-5.22%)
    YELL.L    5.47     -0.04  (-0.73%)
    AMC.L     9.75     -0.01  (-0.05%)
    PLU:USOP  95.40    0.00   (+0%)
    BP-.L     452.10   0.95   (+0.21%)
    SXX.L     29.00    1.50   (+5.41%)
    LLOY.L    26.78    1.64   (+6.52%)
    DES.L     23.62    2.25   (+10.34%)
    GKP.L     171.62   4.50   (+2.69%)
    XEL.L     83.75    5.00   (+6.33%)
    BARC.L    190.57   9.80   (+5.43%)
    RKH.L     251.62   12.00  (+5.02%)
    UKX.L     5529.21  45.44  (+0.83%)

Solution 2

This might work for you:

pr -tw132 -3 output.txt
CHAR.L  96.88   -6.75 (-6.49%)              SOU.L   1.73    -0.10 (-5.22%)              DES.L   23.62   2.25 (+10.34%)
MXP.L   12.62   -1.00 (-7.41%)              YELL.L  5.47    -0.04 (-0.73%)              GKP.L   171.62  4.50 (+2.69%)
NEW.L   7.88    -0.75 (-8.57%)              AMC.L   9.75    -0.01 (-0.05%)              XEL.L   83.75   5.00 (+6.33%)
AGQ.L   17.75   -0.62 (-3.40%)              PLU:USOP    95.40   0.00 (+0%)              BARC.L  190.57  9.80 (+5.43%)
RMP.L   13.12   -0.38 (-2.75%)              BP-.L   452.10  0.95 (+0.21%)               RKH.L   251.62  12.00 (+5.02%)
RRR.L   3.35    -0.20 (-5.71%)              SXX.L   29.00   1.50 (+5.41%)               UKX.L   5529.21 45.44 (+0.83%)
RRL.L   7.95    -0.15 (-1.85%)              LLOY.L  26.78   1.64 (+6.52%)

Solution 3

This prints your file in three columns using awk, since that what you asked about:

cat output.txt | \
  awk -v cols=3 '{printf("%-44s",$0)} NR%cols==0 {print ""} END {print ""}'


If your output is consistently using single TABs to separate columns, then expand will work for you, as you've seen. Bu "awk" is more suited to this sort of task, as it will let you control formatting more completely. Awk (by default) considers all whitespace to be field separators (thus " " and "^I" and " ^I" are all single field separators).

After the update to the question, it seems that this is what you're looking for:

  awk '{ printf("%-10s%8s%8s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4); }' < output.txt

If you want to restrict the format a little more, you could use:

  awk '{ printf("%-10s%8.2f%8.2f %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4); }' < output.txt

You could get fancy and control the format of the last column if you felt like it, but I suspect that's the topic of another question.

Solution 4

Found it:

cat output.txt | expand --tabs=14
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • ktec
    ktec almost 2 years

    I have the following text file:

    [master]$ cat output.txt 
    CHAR.L  96.88   -6.75 (-6.49%)
    MXP.L   12.62   -1.00 (-7.41%)
    NEW.L   7.88    -0.75 (-8.57%)
    AGQ.L   17.75   -0.62 (-3.40%)
    RMP.L   13.12   -0.38 (-2.75%)
    RRR.L   3.35    -0.20 (-5.71%)
    RRL.L   7.95    -0.15 (-1.85%)
    SOU.L   1.73    -0.10 (-5.22%)
    YELL.L  5.47    -0.04 (-0.73%)
    AMC.L   9.75    -0.01 (-0.05%)
    PLU:USOP    95.40   0.00 (+0%)
    BP-.L   452.10  0.95 (+0.21%)
    SXX.L   29.00   1.50 (+5.41%)
    LLOY.L  26.78   1.64 (+6.52%)
    DES.L   23.62   2.25 (+10.34%)
    GKP.L   171.62  4.50 (+2.69%)
    XEL.L   83.75   5.00 (+6.33%)
    BARC.L  190.57  9.80 (+5.43%)
    RKH.L   251.62  12.00 (+5.02%)
    UKX.L   5529.21 45.44 (+0.83%)

    I would like to fix the alignment of the columns. Obviously I can import into a spreadsheet or something but I would like to remain within the terminal.

    EDIT: Using expand I can achieve the desired result on Ubuntu, but is this the best way?

    [master]$ cat output.txt | expand -t24
    CHAR.L      96.88       -6.75 (-6.49%)
    AMC.L       9.75        -0.01 (-0.05%)
    PLU:USOP    95.40       0.00 (+0%)
  • ghoti
    ghoti over 12 years
    That the expand command only takes a "--tabs" option in Linux. In FreeBSD, you have to use the "-t" option. Also, are you sure about this solution? This doesn't work for me, using your data.
  • ktec
    ktec over 12 years
    Thats interesting, its works perfectly under Ubuntu! What about if you increase the size?
  • ktec
    ktec over 12 years
    I've tried this and it just gives me three columns, which I can get from using pr. What I would like is to fix the alignment of the columns.
  • ktec
    ktec over 12 years
    Thanks, but this still has columns miss-aligned which is what I'm trying to resolve.
  • Anne
    Anne over 12 years
    Comment by jørgensen (rejected edit): You can rip out the useless use of cat. Simply run: expand --tabs=14 <output.txt
  • ghoti
    ghoti over 12 years
    Oh, the impression I had from your description pre-edit was that this was what you wanted. I'll add an alternative in an edit.
  • Dave Jacoby
    Dave Jacoby over 11 years
    I personally hate "useless use of cat", because I might pipe through dozens of shell commands which are not germane to the question and get to where I want to use "expand --tabs=14" or whatever. And changing pipe order is easier with "cat file | expand| grep | awk | sort" than with "expand < file | grep | awk | sort". Make each program do one thing well. cat does one thing well.
  • Aquarius Power
    Aquarius Power almost 10 years
    to work more or less well, I had to do this: ls -1 |column -c `tput cols` |column -t (ls -1 is just a replacement for a simple 1 column long list of items)
  • Wildcard
    Wildcard over 8 years
    Nice, I had to use -s '<tab>' also for my file. (Type the tab in with ^V then Tab.)
  • shuckc
    shuckc over 8 years
    Didn't help the OP, but exactly what I needed, thanks!