How to format content in html textarea as xml on the fly


Solution 1

Take a look at CodeMirror, a syntax-highlighting editor in Javascript for browsers. This is an example for XML editing.

Solution 2

Short answer: you can't.

Not in an TEXTAREA, as the one here in SO.

The example in SO is very good, as it has a TEXTAREA where we type the text, and a DIV box below where you can see what you type formatted.

You could also go through the contentEditable = "true", but it's a real pain to do it properly...

Solution 3

A nice option would be this: vkBeautify

Here is an example:

(function() {

function createShiftArr(step) {

	var space = '    ';
	if ( isNaN(parseInt(step)) ) {  // argument is string
		space = step;
	} else { // argument is integer
		switch(step) {
			case 1: space = ' '; break;
			case 2: space = '  '; break;
			case 3: space = '   '; break;
			case 4: space = '    '; break;
			case 5: space = '     '; break;
			case 6: space = '      '; break;
			case 7: space = '       '; break;
			case 8: space = '        '; break;
			case 9: space = '         '; break;
			case 10: space = '          '; break;
			case 11: space = '           '; break;
			case 12: space = '            '; break;

	var shift = ['\n']; // array of shifts
	return shift;

function vkbeautify(){
	this.step = '    '; // 4 spaces
	this.shift = createShiftArr(this.step);

vkbeautify.prototype.xml = function(text,step) {

	var ar = text.replace(/>\s{0,}</g,"><")
		len = ar.length,
		inComment = false,
		deep = 0,
		str = '',
		ix = 0,
		shift = step ? createShiftArr(step) : this.shift;

		for(ix=0;ix<len;ix++) {
			// start comment or <![CDATA[...]]> or <!DOCTYPE //
			if(ar[ix].search(/<!/) > -1) { 
				str += shift[deep]+ar[ix];
				inComment = true; 
				// end comment  or <![CDATA[...]]> //
				if(ar[ix].search(/-->/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/\]>/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/!DOCTYPE/) > -1 ) { 
					inComment = false; 
			} else 
			// end comment  or <![CDATA[...]]> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/-->/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/\]>/) > -1) { 
				str += ar[ix];
				inComment = false; 
			} else 
			// <elm></elm> //
			if( /^<\w/.exec(ar[ix-1]) && /^<\/\w/.exec(ar[ix]) &&
				/^<[\w:\-\.\,]+/.exec(ar[ix-1]) == /^<\/[\w:\-\.\,]+/.exec(ar[ix])[0].replace('/','')) { 
				str += ar[ix];
				if(!inComment) deep--;
			} else
			 // <elm> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/<\w/) > -1 && ar[ix].search(/<\//) == -1 && ar[ix].search(/\/>/) == -1 ) {
				str = !inComment ? str += shift[deep++]+ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
			} else 
			 // <elm>...</elm> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/<\w/) > -1 && ar[ix].search(/<\//) > -1) {
				str = !inComment ? str += shift[deep]+ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
			} else 
			// </elm> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/<\//) > -1) { 
				str = !inComment ? str += shift[--deep]+ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
			} else 
			// <elm/> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/\/>/) > -1 ) { 
				str = !inComment ? str += shift[deep]+ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
			} else 
			// <? xml ... ?> //
			if(ar[ix].search(/<\?/) > -1) { 
				str += shift[deep]+ar[ix];
			} else 
			// xmlns //
			if( ar[ix].search(/xmlns\:/) > -1  || ar[ix].search(/xmlns\=/) > -1) { 
				str += shift[deep]+ar[ix];
			else {
				str += ar[ix];
	return  (str[0] == '\n') ? str.slice(1) : str;

window.vkbeautify = new vkbeautify();


var xmlData = '<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don\'t forget me this weekend!</body></note>';
xmlData = vkbeautify.xml(xmlData);
<script src=""></script>
<textarea cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
James Alexander
Author by

James Alexander

A programmer guy

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • James Alexander
    James Alexander about 2 years

    I have a page that users are able to add xml markup into a text area input. I'd like after they enter it that it be color-coded and formatted as xml would look in an IDE such as Visual Studio. Anybody know of a script or tool that would allow for this within a client-side browser?