How to generate a number of most distinctive colors in R?


Solution 1

I joined all qualitative palettes from RColorBrewer package. Qualitative palettes are supposed to provide X most distinctive colours each. Of course, mixing them joins into one palette also similar colours, but that's the best I can get (74 colors).

n <- 60
qual_col_pals =[$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
pie(rep(1,n), col=sample(col_vector, n))


Other solution is: take all R colors from graphical devices and sample from them. I removed shades of grey as they are too similar. This gives 433 colors

color = grDevices::colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y', grDevices::colors(), invert = T)]

set of 20 colours

pie(rep(1,n), col=sample(color, n))

with 200 colors n = 200:

pie(rep(1,n), col=sample(color, n))

set of 200 colours

Solution 2

Here are a few options:

  1. Have a look at the palette function:

     palette(rainbow(6))     # six color rainbow
     (palette(gray(seq(0,.9,len = 25)))) #grey scale
  2. And the colorRampPalette function:

     ##Move from blue to red in four colours
     colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))( 4) 
  3. Look at the RColorBrewer package (and website). If you want diverging colours, then select diverging on the site. For example,

     brewer.pal(7, "BrBG")
  4. The I want hue web site gives lots of nice palettes. Again, just select the palette that you need. For example, you can get the rgb colours from the site and make your own palette:

     palette(c(rgb(170,93,152, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(103,143,57, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(196,95,46, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(79,134,165, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(205,71,103, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(203,77,202, maxColorValue=255),
         rgb(115,113,206, maxColorValue=255)))

Solution 3

You can also try the randomcoloR package:

n <- 20
palette <- distinctColorPalette(n)

You can see that a set of highly distinct colors are chosen when visualizing in a pie chart (as suggested by other answers here):

pie(rep(1, n), col=palette)

enter image description here

Shown in a pie chart with 50 colors:

n <- 50
palette <- distinctColorPalette(n)
pie(rep(1, n), col=palette)

enter image description here

Solution 4

Not an answer to OP's question but it's worth mentioning that there is the viridis package which has good color palettes for sequential data. They are perceptually uniform, colorblind safe and printer-friendly.

To get the palette, simply install the package and use the function viridis_pal(). There are four options "A", "B", "C" and "D" to choose

viridis_pal(option = "D")(n)  # n = number of colors seeked

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

There is also an excellent talk explaining the complexity of good colormaps on YouTube:

A Better Default Colormap for Matplotlib | SciPy 2015 | Nathaniel Smith and Stéfan van der Walt

Solution 5

You can use colorRampPalette from base or RColorBrewer package:

With colorRampPalette, you can specify colours as follows:

colorRampPalette(c("red", "green"))(5)
# [1] "#FF0000" "#BF3F00" "#7F7F00" "#3FBF00" "#00FF00"

You can alternatively provide hex codes as well:

colorRampPalette(c("#3794bf", "#FFFFFF", "#df8640"))(5)
# [1] "#3794BF" "#9BC9DF" "#FFFFFF" "#EFC29F" "#DF8640"
# Note that the mid color is the mid value...

With RColorBrewer you could use colors from pre-existing palettes:

brewer.pal(9, "Set1")
# [1] "#E41A1C" "#377EB8" "#4DAF4A" "#984EA3" "#FF7F00" "#FFFF33" "#A65628" "#F781BF"
# [9] "#999999"

Look at RColorBrewer package for other available palettes. Hope this helps.


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Updated on November 28, 2020


  • RNA
    RNA over 3 years

    I am plotting a categorical dataset and want to use distinctive colors to represent different categories. Given a number n, how can I get n number of MOST distinctive colors in R? Thanks.

  • RNA
    RNA about 11 years
    thanks for your answer. It generates colors, but some not very distinctive with each other. maybe I should have emphasized more on that in my questions.
  • RNA
    RNA about 11 years
    Thanks. I like the last option brewer.pal. but it is limited up to 9 colors. I actually have more than 9 categories. The first alternatives generate a gradient colors, which is not as distinctive as I want.
  • csgillespie
    csgillespie about 11 years
    @RNAer I've updated my answer. You can use suggestions 3 and 4 to get diverging palettes.
  • Arun
    Arun about 11 years
    you won't be able to choose many "distinct" colours. You can get a maximum of 12 I suppose. You should check out and get the colours (there's 1 12 colour palette if I'm right).
  • alexwhan
    alexwhan about 11 years
    Looking for more than 12 distinctive colouts will be difficult - I think there's discussion about that on the colorbrewer page
  • RNA
    RNA about 11 years
    that's fine, as long as they are the "most" distinctive colors available, even they are becoming less distinctive when number goes up.
  • RNA
    RNA about 11 years
    I want hue is a awesome website. This is exactly what I want. Given a number, how to generate a palette of the number of colors. but can we do it in R automatically?
  • Ben Bolker
    Ben Bolker about 11 years
    It is awesome. However, there's a lot of machinery behind that web site. I don't think it will be trivial to re-implement. It would be nice if i want hue had an API that allowed it to be automatically queried (maybe it does -- I didn't spend long looking)
  • jbaums
    jbaums over 9 years
    @BenBolker - I've made a gist for an R version of i want hue, here. Efficiency could be improved (e.g. by saving colour samples as data objects), but the general idea is there. (Load with devtools::source_gist('45b49da5e260a9fc1cd7'))
  • jbaums
    jbaums over 9 years
    (@BenBolker - though the subsetting in HCL space isn't quite right.)
  • David Roberts
    David Roberts over 8 years
    If your issue is similar colours side-by-side when assigned to adjacent categories (as the rainbow palette will do), then you could simply randomize the rainbow output with something like: rainbow(n=10)[sample(10)]
  • Prradep
    Prradep almost 7 years
    Is there a possibility to convert the hex codes in col to corresponding color names?
  • JelenaČuklina
    JelenaČuklina almost 7 years
    @Prradep which col do you mean? the color from graphical devices has names. If you mean in general, not all hex code have corresponding color names (there are only 433 colors in grDevices but many more hex codes)
  • Prradep
    Prradep almost 7 years
    I am mentioning about col=sample(col_vector, n) from the RColorBrewer package in your code snippet. For example, How to find the color names for #B3E2CD, #E78AC3, #B3DE69 available from sample(col_vector,3). Alternatively, How to find all the hex codes given by brewer.pal function with their color names.
  • JelenaČuklina
    JelenaČuklina almost 7 years
    @Prradep, as RColorBrewer palettes are not derived from grDevices colors, that have names mapped, but are just hex codes, to my knowledge, you cannot do this with RColorBrewer palettes, even qualitative ones.
  • Gaurav
    Gaurav over 6 years
    Thanks. I had to use unname(distinctColorPalette(n)) to make this work with ggplot. I guess ggplot needs an unnamed vector. col_vector <- unname(distinctColorPalette(n)) and then ... + scale_color_manual(values=col_vector) ...
  • Christopher John
    Christopher John over 6 years
    This is not so suitable for distinctive colours.
  • Michal
    Michal over 5 years
    This doesn't really answer the question, which is about generating n distinctive colors, not a set of defined colors. Try updating your answer
  • ytu
    ytu almost 5 years
    What about when n is like 4000?
  • JelenaČuklina
    JelenaČuklina almost 5 years
    @ytu then the colors are not distinguishable. If absolutely necessary, I would suggest looking for "gradient creation" in R and then use randomised sampling of colors. But mapping from colors to factors will not work, human perception can handle maybe 20 - 40 colors, the rest is not that much different.
  • Ian
    Ian about 2 years
    Polychrome looks interesting but doesn't appear to have been updated to be able to use R v4.
  • Ian
    Ian about 2 years
    Fixed: download followed by install.packages("scatterplot3d"), install.packages("C:\\...\\Polychrome_1.3.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")