How to generate HTML documentation for SWIFT files in Xcode with HeaderDoc?



As of right now, HeaderDoc cannot convert Swift inline-documentation into HTML files using headerdoc2html. You, and everyone (myself included) will sadly have to wait.

Other options

So the 'big three' iOS code documentation tools are HeaderDoc, AppleDoc, and Doxygen. Sadly, all three do not support Swift. Good news: AppleDoc is coming out with v3.0 relatively soon and the other two may (probably will) also update as well. AppleDoc is open source, so if you are code savvy, you could adapt it to fit your needs (with swift and all that jazz)


I commented on AppleDoc's Github page and got a couple replies. Mainly, on October 16, 2014 apple is having a conference. After this conference, the AppleDoc guys (gals?) will begin adding Swift support to AppleDoc 3.0 and it will be released at some point.

Speaking of Jazz

Jazzy is something out right now (!) and can generate documentation in the form of HTML for Swift (!!) I had a hard time setting it up, and it's format is unorthodox, but if you can't wait for the big three to update, it may just be for you.

good luck with your adventure.


Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • ottorottok
    ottorottok about 2 years

    I tried to document my Swift project in Xcode with HeaderDoc, but are processed only files ".h" and are ignored files ".swift"

    This is my swift File:

    /// test
    /// :param: ann blabla
    func testFunc( ann: Foo ) { .. }

    I run the following in the Terminal:

    headerdoc2html -o ~/Desktop/docum Ninja
    This is the error:
        Documentation will be written to /Users/me/Desktop/docum
        HTML output mode.
        No valid input files specified. 
            Usage: headerdoc2html [-dq] [-o <output directory>] <input file(s) or directory>.
        iMac:MyApp me$  headerdoc2html -o ~/Desktop/docum Ninja/
        Documentation will be written to /Users/me/Desktop/docum
        HTML output mode.
        DIR Ninja/
        ======= Parsing Input Files =======
        Processing Ninja/Test.m
            Skipping. No HeaderDoc comments found.
        Processing Ninja/-Bridging-Header.h
  • ndbroadbent
    ndbroadbent over 9 years
    Awesome, thanks so much! jazzy works great for me. @MohitAthwani - This comment might help you if you are using an xcworkspace:
  • Mohit Athwani
    Mohit Athwani over 9 years
    @nathan.f77 I love you for pointing me to that link ... Jazzy works like a charm ! I wonder how you managed to guess that I was using a workspace ...
  • LearnCocos2D
    LearnCocos2D over 9 years
    "v3.0 relatively soon" - what exactly made you say that? It's almost 4 months since your post and there's no indication that v3 is going to be public (or usable) anytime soon.
  • zrubenst
    zrubenst over 9 years
    @LearnCocos2D 4 Months ago I asked the lead developer on Github when v3.0 would be released. He said that it would be released shortly; it hasn't been released. Thus his definition of short is either half a year, or he miscalculated.
  • Ash
    Ash over 6 years
    Also loving Jazzy at the moment.
  • Vijayvir Sing Pantlia
    Vijayvir Sing Pantlia almost 4 years
    jazzy not work with pods project, Can you guide me there how to do the t